Food,  Slideshow

Mini Strawberry Friands

Did you know that strawberries are a nutritional powerhouse? In addition to tasting sweet and delicious, they are also extremely good for you and contain powerful antioxidants including vitamin C, manganese, vitamin K and potassium. So what are you waiting for? Grab a handful of strawberries now and start munching, or enjoy them in these delightful and super easy friands.


Mini Strawberry Friands

1/4  cup melted butter

2      egg whites

1/3  cup almond meal

1/2  cup icing sugar

2      heaped tablespoons plain flour

sliced strawberries


Whisk the butter and egg whites. Add almond meal and all other ingredients. Spoon into mini cupcake trays and top each friand with a sliced strawberry.

Pop into a 200 celcius (390 farenheit) oven for about 15 – 20 minutes.

Cool in tin. Enjoy!

Note: these friands have a lovely nutty flavor from the almond meal. You can buy almond meal from the baking section in the supermarket.






Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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