Talk Like a Pirate Facebook Party on September 19th!
One of our favorite holidays is just around the corner! No, I am not talking about Halloween (which just might be my favorite), but International Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th! I was told about this “holiday” last year from a friend who knew about my children’s picture book and app, Penelope the Purple Pirate. When she told me that there was an actual day that was dedicated to only speaking in pirate ALL day – I was estatic! So, after some research, I discovered it was two shipmates, John Baur and Mark Summers, who created this day back in the 1990’s on a raquetball court. They had decided that the game would be more fun if they only spoke like pirates the entire time. This created loads of fun and laughter and right then and there they decided September 19th would be a great day to Talk Like a Pirate – each and every year.
But it wasn’t until 2002, when they contacted Dave Barry, a leading humorist, author and columnist of the Miami Herald. He thought it was hysterical and declared this a much needed holiday that should be celebrated around the world in a post for the Miami Herald that September 2002. It has now grown into a 80,000 strong Facebook Page and celebrated around the world – hence the name International Talk Like a Pirate Day.
You can read my interview with the founders, Mark “Cap’n Slappy” Summers and John “Chumbucket” Baur here:https://melissanorthway.com/2012/09/in-the-spotlight-the-founders-of-talk-like-a-pirate-day/
And to celebrate we are having a Talk Like a Pirate Facebook Event:
WHO: All who be brave enough to walk the plank and enjoy some pirate booty. Promo codes, gift cards and JEWELS will be handed out!
WHEN: September 19th starting at 5:30 pm PST
WHERE: Check on Penelope the Purple Pirate’s Facebook Page for details and here is the link to the EVENT PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/events/349497651809002/
Come all ye pirates and enjoy some cheer and laughter. Ye just might be lucky enough to grab some goodies from the treasure chest. And enter our giveaway here: https://melissanorthway.com/2012/09/current-giveaway-talk-like-a-pirate-day-celebration/