Halloween Decorating
It’s getting to be that spooktacar time of the year. I’m a mom, wife and party planner who loves to decorate for the holidays. There are so many cool and crafty ways you can decorate for Halloween with out breaking the bank. I have slowly built up my Halloween decor over the years. One thing I do is allow myself to buy one Halloween item every year that I really love. Here are some tips I’ve discovered to help make your Halloween decor really stand out. It’s not about quantity but about how you choose to display your items.
Choose a Focal Point:
The first thing I do is choose an area in my house to show case my decorations. Sometimes people put decorations all over their house with no real plan. To me this can look like a Halloween explosion. For instance I choose my fireplace area to really let my decoration shine. I love using fake pumpkins mixed in with a few real ones. The fake spider webs are another product I love. You get a lot of bang for you buck with these. My boy’s love to add the fake spiders to the spider web. They think it’s really creepy. One of my other secrets is the dollar bin or dollar store. You can find some hidden gems with a little digging. This year I found a purple glitter skull that I put on silver spray painted candle holder from the dollar store! I also added rhinestone eyes for extra sparkle and shine. With a little glue and spray paint you can turn your inexpensive finds into divine decorations.
Decorate the Front Porch:
The other area I choose to decorate is my front door and porch. Another secret I have is buying the more expensive decorations after Halloween. You can get 50-75% off! I love changing the porch light to orange or purple. It gives the outside a spookier look. If you’re decorating a table I use the inexpensive plastic tablecloths with tulle or netting over them to look creepier. You can buy pillar candle holders at the dollar store and wrap orange and black streamers around them for a nice glow. A few years ago my kids and I saved pickle jars and decoupaged them with orange tissue paper and made jack o lanterns! Hanging lanterns or decor from chandeliers or light fixtures is another eye-catching concept I like.
Whatever your decorating style is spooky, glam or traditional have fun! Don’t let the holiday’s stress you out or spend money you don’t have. I make it a fun night with my family pulling out the orange bins and putting the decorations up. My sons look forward to it every year! This year I discovered spray-painting the fake pumpkins with glitter and different designs. This way you can enjoy your creations every year. I hope you enjoy crafting & designing your Halloween decor this year as much as I do!