Inspirational Mom: Maria Bailey of Mom Talk Radio
Maria Bailey created Mom Talk Radio, BlueSuitMom.com and many more programs that are aimed at and support moms. I came across her website last year and was impressed with the number of books she has written about this influential group that for many years went unappreciated by companies. Maria said it took companies to hear a hard fact for them to take notice of this powerful group: women influence $2.1 Trillion Dollars in annual spending! With the ability for women to have a voice via blogging, vlogging and You Tube, many companies are paying much more attention to moms these days and marketing directly to and through this segment. Maria figured this out years ago when she stared BlueSuitMom.com and is continually on the cutting edge of technology and reaching busy moms via her radio programs, tv show and website. I had a chance to speak to Maria about her company and what she hopes that moms are able to gain from these programs.
Tell us why you decided to start your media company, BSM Media and its media properties, BlueSuitMom.com, Mom Talk Radio, MomSelect.com and SmartMomSolutions.com And tell us more about your new programs Newbaby.com and MomTV.com.
I didn’t start off thinking I would create a multi-channel media company, I did however have a business plan which started with BlueSuitMom.com. I created this website because at the time I was a working mother with three children under 20 months and needed help. Like a lot of mom business owners, I couldn’t find what I needed so I created it. The website gained quick popularity with moms and the media. The media attention brought with it a lot of opportunities. One of those was radio and we created MomTalk Radio. We evolved as technology evolved but stayed true to our mission to “empower moms.” It’s important to stay focused on your passion and on your business model. As technology changed, we changed in the way we delivered on our brand promise but not on our focus. So when social media was born so was MomSelect.com and then MomTV.com.
When did you start seeing companies start to take the mom segment more seriously and actively market to this powerful group?
It actually took three books for companies to pay attention to moms. I noticed after I wrote Trillion Dollar Moms that companies understood what was at stake – $2.1 Trillion in annual spending. When you put a dollar amount on something, it seems to get people’s attention.
What do you hope moms get out of Mom Talk Radio and Mom TV?
I really hope that moms find the two media properties as a way to build their businesses or empower themselves with the information they need as moms. This doesn’t just mean parenting information, it means learning from other mom business owners, finding the resources they need to be a better woman and ways to improve their family life.
Thank you Maria for your insight and powerful message for busy moms! And thank you for bringing to light the power of moms and their influence. I wanted to feature Maria as she demonstrates that not only do women have a voice but a very powerful one!
To read more about Maria and her programs, books and upcoming shows go to: www.momtalkradio.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/#!/MomTalkRadio
GOOD NEWS! Ms. Bailey had offered one of her books for a lucky dandelion mom! Stay tuned for details!
Programs created and hosted by Maria Bailey – talk about a dynamo!

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