Dandelion Moms Launch Giveaway Winners
Dandelion Moms Launch Giveaway
This was an exciting week of giveaways! The dandelion moms giveaway was really popular with over 18,000 entries! Many of you left comments about what made you a dandelion mom. All of the comments were wonderful and some of my favorites are listed below. I love how the concept of what a dandelion mom is seems to be resonating with many of you.
Nadyne says:
“I think that I am a dandelion mom because I try to make everyday fun. I tell my kids that I love them and hug them everyday! I try to teach them to do unto others as you want them to do to you. I also try to teach them that we are all people. It does not matter what we look like or what things we have. We all deserve respect and kindness.”
Jeannette says:
“I have two special needs daughters the I love and care for. I play with them, work with them, and fight for them. They are the sunshine of my life (as well as the terror!). Whenever I feel like I can’t go on, I listen to them laugh or look at their smiles, and know that I can go on and will go on.”
Georgean says:
“Persistant! There is more to me than just what you see! You may think I am a weed, but I am beautiful!”
Thank you all for leaving your comments!
Congratulations to the winners and a BIG THANK you to our SPONSORS listed below!
Our Sponsors:

One Comment
Cindy Wolf
congrats to all the winners, and thanks again to all the developers and others who helped make this Dandelion Moms’ Give-a-way so special!!