Disney-Pixar’s Monster’s, Inc., Storybook Review and Giveaway
In our home library of movies Monsters, Inc., is one of our favorite movies that we watch over and over again. We are very excited about the sequel coming out this summer! I just love the idea that monsters are afraid of children and we just love Sullivan and Mike! This week Disney-Pixar re-released their hit animated feature Monsters, Inc., in 3D, and are now offering Monsters, Inc. Storybook Deluxe for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch and even iPad mini.
In the app, kids join Sulley and Mike on their quest to return Boo back to her home, while also trying to keep her out of sight of course. The app features the original character voices as well as movie clips. The app allows you to discover hidden “Scare Cards” throughout the story which allows you to navigate your way through a Monster’s Incorporated scare simulator training rooms to collect “scream energy” in a new game. You just have to tilt the device to avoid the human or “toxic” items. Every time you miss the obstacles you get points. If you’ve seen the movie you might remember that the monsters thought that humans and their toys were dangerous. Once you are in the child-simulator’s room – you get to roar to your hearts content. You have the option of using your child’s voice and can record their screaming and roaring skills that makes for a fun interactive activity. My daughter and I had some laughs as we each practiced our scariest yells to see how much “scream energy” we could get in the yellow container.
We really enjoyed playing this game together. Disney has provided dandelion moms with some codes to enjoy and we will have a Raffecopter Giveaway coming up!
The Monsters, Inc. Storybook Deluxe app is available now for iOS for $6.99 on the App Store: https://bit.ly/VMQ73c.
Note: I was provided a promo code to review the storybook app but all opinions are my own!
Some screen shots from the app:

There are so many good Disney movies it’s hard to pick a favorite. Among my favorites are The Love Bug, The Shaggy Dog, The Absent Minded Professor, The Monkey’ Uncle, Old Yeller, Lilo & Stitch, Beauty and the Beast, and Finding Nemo.
Dana Hamilton
Our favorite Disney/Pixar movie is Finding Nemo. It really catches my daughter’s attention who has low vision. She can’t hear so everything has to be visual, simple and bright for her. Graphics are just beautiful in it! (And Monster’s Inc is 2nd.)
debbie lemke
Really love Monsters Inc!
Cassandra S.
So many good ones…but Cinderella is one of my favorites.
That’s a tough one – fave Disney movie … I’m going to go with Wall-E (again tough call) and I’m looking forward to their “Maleficent” movie! It’s about time that one was done!!
The Lion King
I have tons of Disney Pixar faves. But I think the ones that Johnathan and I love the most are the two Cars movies. I have been a car nut my whole life, and it is just awesome to see my son enjoy Cars as much as I do…
Tammy Hadley
It is so hard to choose just one. I have made so many good memories with my children. If I had to pick I would say Beauty and the Beast.
Erin Eyster-McKain
My favorite has always been Jungle Book.
Angie Gorz
Monsters, Inc. is my favorite Disney/Pixar movie.
Finding Nemo is my favorite.
Monster Inc., is my favorite of the Pixar movies. Not much of a tear jerker and that is a thumbs up in my book!
Sherry Perez
Just finished watching Monsters, Inc; our favorite Disney/Pixar movie changes from day to day. I see Sully and Boo on our Christmas tree (thank you Hallmark).
Ronda Whitter
My favorite Disney movie is Still Lion King and next is a new one Brave!!
Finding Nemo
Frances Amato
Finding Nemo and Monsters Inc
Lilo & Stitch!
That really is a hard one. We love so many of them, but I have to say the Toy Story series. I’ve seen them so many times, I know every line….lol.
Old Yeller!
Julie-Anne McCarthy
Finding Nemo
Mandy A.
My favorite Disney (and Pixar) movie would have to be Toy Story. Thank you for this giveaway!
I have a top 3 for animated and non animated.
Animated would be
1. Lady and the Tramp
2. Fox and the Hound
3. Toy Story
non animated (however each one has a tiny bit of animation)
1. Mary Poppins
2. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
3. Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Andrea Wooldridge
My favorite Disney and Pixar movie is the original Toy Story. Thanks for offering this giveaway.
Genie Curti-Ruddle
Lava lava the opportunity to get this for my munchkins on my caseload! Mahlon nui loa and hau’oli makahiki hou!
Kris Reichert
I would have to be Monsters Inc