The Beauty Of Being A Grandparent
A moment that I will never forget is when my three-year-old grandson, Jackson, and I were having lunch at a Mexican restaurant. The server asked me, “What would the baby like to eat?” I told her his food order, and Jackson spoke up. He looked her in the eyes and informed her, “I’m not a baby. I’m a GRANDSON!”
Many ask or wonder… “What is this word GRAND all about?” As I look in the Mean Mirror of Age and see the creeping of crow’s feet and the sagging of once firm skin, I realize that being a grandmother is about regrets, second chances, and perfect patience.
Regrets? As a parent – no matter how awesome we were – we all have them. Once when my youngest son Christian was in the first grade, one night he asked me to read him a bedtime story. I was beginning my teaching career, I was a wife – a homemaker – and a mother of two sons…I was EXHAUSTED. I remember saying, “Momma is tired tonight. Let’s read tomorrow night.” I doubt that I slept well that night because it was the night that my haunting began. How could I not have stopped for five minutes to read a bedtime story? I am still haunted by that memory – that regret.
Second Chances? Trust me. I never say I am too tired for the Baby Grands. We can read story after story. I now know oh too well that love and childhood are all about quality time. It does not matter if my house is cleaned to perfection or if I have office work piling up. What matters is that I say yes to spending time. They are my second chance to get it right.
Patience? It’s amazing! They can accidentally break something, knock over the Christmas tree, or have an upset stomach and puke all over my comforter. Patience pours from me, and all I can say is “It’s OK, sweetie. CC will fix it for you.”
So this is what I think I have figured out. God in his infinite wisdom knew that I would have to see myself in the Mean Mirror of Age one day and see the crow’s feet and sags. He knew I would have regrets from years past with what I failed to do and with how I sometimes lost my patience as a parent. He thought…now how can I make this all better?
I truly understand the fleeting passage of time. I know that in a blink they will be grown men with their busy, fulfilling lives. But they – and I – will have memories…memories of a fun, devoted grandmother who danced every dance with them, who told them she could and would solve all of their problems, who had no regrets that needed second chances, and who had perfect patience. And…who was never too tired for a bedtime story. Never.
My Best,
Cyndie Sebourn
Photo courtesy of Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jumpingjackdesigns/4842402523/sizes/z/in/photostream/
Photos of Jackson courtesy of Cyndie Sebourn.com.

One Comment
Your heart is wide open here, Cyndie and I just love what you’ve said. What wisdom, insight and honesty!
As a mom of 2 boys who already has great memories, regrets and a few crows feet and sags, I hope I’m lucky enough to have Baby Grands. Thanks for sharing.