How to Keep Your New Years Resolutions
Have you ever made a new years resolution before and then failed to keep it? Relax! You’re not alone. Getting caught up in the champagne bubbles and excitement of a new year is easy. Sticking to your brand new resolutions is much, much harder. It is estimated that nearly 80% of people break their new years resolutions, and 20% do so in the first week! So what can we do to buck the trend and make our new year resolutions stick? Well, you can start by making the right kind of resolutions.
Try not to make blanket statements, or have an all-or-nothing approach. If you say, “I’m cutting out ALL unhealthy food this year” there’s a good chance your resolve will waver next time you’re feeling peckish and that warm chocolate pudding is singing your name. As soon as you cave in and take the spoon to the pudding, you’ll think, “Oh well, I’ve broken this resolution already. I’ll try again next year.” Have a much more moderate approach instead, and say to yourself, “This year I will eat a broader range of healthy foods, and only eat desserts for special treats.” That way, you can enjoy occasional sweet indulgences, and still know you’re sticking to your plan of healthy eating.
Have a vision for why you want to do something. If you want to lose weight then telling yourself to lose 5 pounds probably won’t help much. But if you want to lose weight so you can have more energy to play with the kids, or go on a hiking trip at the end of the year, then your motivation will be much higher. Keep that vision in your head of why you want to achieve something.
If you want to do something that will really benefit your health but is very challenging, such as giving up smoking, enlist the help of others around you. Having a support network can help so much when you are struggling. A quick phone call when you are feeling low and a friend can help you strengthen your resolve.
Above all, be kind to yourself. If you make resolutions that will improve your character and experiences, such as “I am going to believe in myself and my abilities this year”, or “I will help others whenever I see the opportunity too” then you stand a great chance of being successful.
Here’s to a fabulous 2013!