Hawthorne for the Heart
The Hawthorne ( Crategeous oxyacantha or mongyna) is a sweet scented flower with snow-white blossoms; however, in the fall, red berries emerge. Hawthorne is well known as a heart herb for anyone needing to increase circulation, bring on more joy and love into their lives.
The Hawthorne plant has long been known as a sacred and protecting. In fact, for centuries, parents would place sprigs of Hawthorne around a baby’s cradle to protect against evil spirits and illnesses. Hawthorne tinctures, teas or syrups are also used to lift spirits and relieve sadness. In Greece, wedding guests would bring sprigs of Hawthorne to gesture happiness, prosperity (and fertility) to the newly married couple. And poet, Oliver Goldsmith, in his “Deserted Village” wrote:
The Hawthorn-bush with seats beneath the shade,
For talking age and whispering lovers made.
Herbal remedy
Many people connect the Hawthorne as a remedy for the to open up the blood vessels and improve circulation. Some practitioners will is it as a wonderful remedy for restlessness and insomnia as it relaxes the nervous system.
Homeopathy and flower essence
One who has a broken heart or difficult finding love will find that homeopathy or a flower essence a gentle way to take Hawthorne.
And remember, it is always important to speak with your doctor if you have any heart pain, palpitations, high blood pressure or any other possible heart symptoms before taking any type of supplement.
Be well,
Heather Manley, ND
Image credit: Taste of Beirut