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Inspirational Moms Susanne and Robyn of Greater Than One

This week we are featuring Susanne Budofsky and Robyn Spritzer of Greater Than One who are Huggies MomInspired Grant 2012 recipients for their Hold-On Handles product line.  I really like how they developed a product that parents with kids who tend to stray can use to help keep them close.  When my daughter started walking she was not afraid of exploring her surroundings – with or without me.  This made for lots of exercise as I was constantly having to go after her.  The Hold-on Handles are cute and help keep the kids safe when you need them stay close to you.  I had a chance to speak to Susanne and Robyn about how the idea came about and what challenges they face as business owners and moms.

GreatherthanOne.OO Single Handle Stroller1_lores


Tell us how the idea to start your company Greater than one kids and Hold-on Handles came about.

 In 2008, Susanne and Robyn met for the first time in Robyn’s kitchen.  The two mothers of multiples were connected through a mutual friend from their consumer products marketing background.  Susanne had a range of ideas for products to help moms with multiples that she conceived while raising her own triplets as well as while working with families as a doula.  At the time of this meeting, Robyn was home with twin infants and a three year old big sister.  One of the product ideas that Susanne had actually used successfully for years with her children was a modified preschool walking rope.  Robyn needed something to help teach her daughter to hold onto the stroller when she was out with all three children.  The two women immediately began brainstorming, and Hold-On Handles was born. Susanne and Robyn were determined to create a walking rope for up to three children that could also act as a stroller accessory for just one child.  So they designed a versatile, pragmatic product that performs in both capacities, and is attractive and fun so that kids want to hold on and moms are proud to use. 



 What have been some challenges you face as a mom and business owner? What steps do you keep your work life and home life separate?

We try to maintain a home/work/life balance but it is tough as momtrepreneurs who do not keep regular business hours.  Our core work hours begin when the kids go to bed at night.  We tend to work around the clock and squeeze in work whenever we can, i.e. waiting for our kids to get off the bus, while making dinner, and as we grocery shop.  We find it is important to carve time out for our families each day by finding some dedicated time to spend focused on the kids without the cell phone in our ears.  Whether it be sitting down to dinner or reading a book together at bedtime those few minutes energize us and help us keep our priorities in check.  We definitely feel like our social life has gotten a good trim, but our closest friends are so supportive, and ultimately that’s all that really matters.

 What tips would you offer a mom looking to start her own company?

If you are passionate about it, relentless, thick skinned, patient and resourceful, anything is possible.  Do your homework about the industry, competitive market, and your product.  Talk to as many people as you can to learn about the business and what it takes to bring a new product to market.   Utilize every resource you have from your business and social community, and never be afraid to ask for help.  It is amazing how many fellow momtrepreneurs and professionals are willing to help.

Any news you want to share with dandelion moms?

 We are excited and proud to be a part of launching a line of wet wipes next month called Natural Essentials at the Natural Products Expo West show in CA. Our Natural Essentials products are natural wipes that combine eco-friendly formulations and essential oils with convenient packaging to deliver effective, safe, and easy-to-use tools for moms to be prepared for life’s little adventures. The portfolio includes fun yet practical wipes for moms and kids including Fever-eez® Cool Care Wipes, Ouch-eez® Boo-Boo Wipes, Nose-eezRunny Nose Wipes, Mess-eez Hand & Face Wipes and Feet-eez Dirty Stinky Foot Wipes.  Additionally, we are launching a new line, Natural Essentials® Baby, with its debut product: Lil’ Peepers® Eyelid & Eyelash Cleaning Wipes.  Natural Essentials Pets is also making its debut, featuring two new products: Shimmy Fresh Bath Mitts and Shimmy Paw Wipes.™  


Thank you Robyn and Susanne for sharing your story with us!  And congratulations on developing cute and useful products many parents could use!  Exciting news! Greater Than One is offering two Bizzy Hold-on Handles as a giveaway. You can choose either the spider, ladybug, bee or butterfly Single Handle set. Valued at $19.99 per handle set. Good luck dandelion moms!

Butterfly Single 8.8a


Greatherthanone.img_0006To read more about the company go to:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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