Health: How Do We Improve Immunity at the Beginning of Spring?
Ask the Doctor:
Question: How do we improve immunity at the beginning of Spring?
This is a great question and one that I like to write about. Being proactive in your health and your families health will have a profound impact on keeping healthy and bouncing back quickly from any illness. A little reminder though, it is always best to check in with your family physician if you are sick. Teamwork is key to good health.
Here are my top 4 supplements plus the basics:
1. Vitamin C
This is why : Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that regulates immune function and increases white blood cell activity.
Source : Think citrus and berries: berries, kiwi, bell peppers, papaya, broccoli, cantaloupe, kale brussel sprouts, citrus fruit: oranges, grapefruit, lemons. Limes. If taking a supplement, remember that Vitamin c is best taken in divided doses. Take 500 mg (less for kids) 3 to 4 times a day.
2. Essential Fatty Acids
This is why: Essential fatty acids are important in our diet because our bodies can not make sufficient amounts thus we need to obtain them form our foods. Cod liver oil is a perfect choice as it has both vitamins A and D, which are important for strong immune systems.
Source: Nordic Natural is a good brand as they do a great deal of quality control and testing. A few food sources include: extra virgin olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.
3. Probiotics
This is why: Approximately 70% of the immune system is in the digestive system so by adding some friendly bacteria in the gut you will keep the digestive system strong and healthy.
Source: Some dairy products have added probiotics, but you can also find them in the refrigerated section of your local health food store. One of my favorite brands is HMF by Genestra.
Late last summer, a reader sent in a question about probiotics and kids. You can read the answer here.
4. Berry Well Immune Herbal Powder
This is why: This herbal powder has many tonifying herbs in its’ formula. Kids love the taste and it helps keep our immune system strong during periods of high stress or during any time cold season is on the rise. Since it is a powder, you can easily add it to a daily smoothie along with some cod liver oil and probiotics.
And don’t forget the basics…
Wash those hands: It’s important to remember that most acute illnesses are due to poor hygiene and the easiest way to avoid this is to wash hands with soap and warm water.
Keep hydrated: During the summer months, we tend to drink more sugary drinks – lemonade, gatorade – and we forget to drink water. Keep a pitcher filled with water available (in the fridge) at all times. If water doesn’t sound exciting, try putting slices of oranges and lemons to add some zest and nutrition or make a pitcher of iced herbal tea ( Tazo Sweet Orange is a family favorite ).
Think color and protein: When preparing meals, think about whole colorful foods. They are very packed with all nutrients and always tasty. Protein will help sustain you for longer periods – help avoid any snacking – and will keep your blood sugar levels balanced ( no crazy mood swings).
Bring on the cold… water.
Hydrotherapy is powerful stuff that is FREE. And it is wonderful treatment for preventing colds and also when you are sick (Magic Socks: Click here to learn more).
how to: After every hot shower you take, end it with a blast of cold water.
why: It increases blood and lymph circulation and we want this to make sure that toxins/unwanted wastes are moving out of the body and nutrients are getting to the cells they need to go to.
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