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Inspirational Mom: Susanna Lee of Peachy Company


It is always interesting to hear from creative moms how they came up with their ideas to start a business.  Susanna Lee was inspired to create the Aqueduck Faucet Extender after a trip to Disneyland where she was constantly having her boys wash their hands.  I love to hear about moms who have an idea for a product or service and just make it happen! Susanna’s product has gone on to win several awards and last year she was one of the HuggiesMom Inspired Grant recipients.  We had a chance to talk about her product idea and how her three boys were her inspiration behind creating Aquaduck.
Tell us what inspired you to create the Aqueduck Faucet Extender?
-My 3 kids inspired the idea of the Aqueduck Faucet Extender.  On a trip to Disneyland (and possible the “germiest” place on Earth) I was constantly taking my boys to get their hands washed because they touched everything.  I had to keep lifting them up and straining my back and thought that there had to be a better way.  Since step stools are not portable, I thought that there should be something that brings the water closer to the kids, instead of bringing the kids closer to the water.  On the long drive back from Socal to the SF Bay Area, I kept thinking about this idea.  After looking for a product that could do this, I could not find anything.  So, I decided to invent one! 
What were some of your bigger challenges to start up this company?
The biggest challenge was getting others to believe that my idea would sell.  I was on my own from the beginning until the product was finally finished. 
As a mom of three boys and a business owner – what steps do you take to juggle it all?
-This business allows me to have a flexible schedule so I get to spend time with my kids when they need me.
Family support is really important.  My family would watch my boys for me when my husband and I go to trade shows.
Aqueduck Main
If a mom is looking to create a product – what advice would you give her?
-If you believe in your idea and believe in yourself, just try to make it happen.  If you don’t do it, you will never know how things will turn out.  Don’t give up! 
Any news you want to share with dandelion moms?
We have just release our newest product, the Aqueduck Handle Extender!  People would always ask, “How do they turn on the water?”  This is our answer. 
Aquaduck.logo.securedownloadYou can read more about the Aquaduck products at

Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.


  • Rhonda P.

    My niece just had twin boys so this would be an awesome gift for her! Wish I would have had it 10 years ago when my son was little! Congratulations on your success! God bless you and your family!

  • Christina

    Oh my goodness! This is definitely one of those, “Wow, why didn’t I think about these?” It is so awesome when moms come up with these useful tools. My girls are quite petite for their age, so I can’t tell you how useful these would be. And so easily portable to just store in the purse/diaper bag (if not being used at home!)

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