Dandelion Moms Project Kindness for March :: Update
In March, the dandelion moms project kindess featured a grass-roots organization looking to raise money and books to build a library in the small town of San Francisco de Macons in the Domincan Republic. We are happy to report that they have raised $15,689 (some money was donated privately) of the $19,000 needed! Thank you dandelion moms for your donations and for sending in almost 120 books that will be used in the new library! Rebecca Rousculp, one of the organizers and creators of this campaign wrote and said:
To read more about the new Biblioteca Comunitaria Dr. William’s House and the expatriate family that are the master-planners for the library go to: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/adopt-a-reader-a-teacher-a-library?website_name=dwhlibrary
It is so wonderful that together we gathered almost 120 books that will be used by the children in this community! Great work everyone! Below are some of the pictures sent in from our lovely dandelion moms who supported the library project as well as participated in the other suggestions we offered in March such as writing a nice note to a family member or friend.
Beth of Pages Corner had her daughter help package the books that will be sent abroad.
Michelle Norris and her kids provided over 30 books for the library!
Nancy Barth of Nancy Barth Tutoring provided almost 50 books and a game for the libary! (Featured is one of four photo’s she sent us!).
Carmen of Romania wrote a beautiful letter to her mother and translated it for us! And was one of the financial donors for the library in the Dominica Republic.
My daughter helped out as well and looked through her books for ones she wanted to donate to the library. Superhero books stayed but Dora and My Little Pony got shipped out!
And Jodi Murphy of Geek Club Books and her husband provided financial support to help create the library!
I love how the project has reached people far and wide from here in the states to friends in Romania, Australia and now the Dominican Republic. Never underestimate the power of your kind words and actions!
Thanks again for all the support in spreading seeds of kindness and loveliness.
We are excited about our April project kindness and will have it posted very soon!

Nancy Barth
It was a great project!
Nancy Barth
I am happy some great books have found a good home!
mihaila carmen nicoleta
Thank you ,Melissa .!!! Happy to share kindness with you!!!