Fashion :: Get Your Shapewear On
I had no idea what a difference putting shapewear under my clothes would make. The story of Sara Blakely the creator of Spanx is awesome (To read more about her story: https://www.spanx.com/category/index.jsp?categoryId=11119558). In an effort to look better in white pants while getting ready to go to a party she cut the feet off her her pantyhose. That is how the hugely successful brand was created. Genius! I bought my first pair of spanx- a boy short style a few years ago .Why why why did I wait so long? I put them on with a maxi skirt that was a little more fitted around the hips and thighs. Instantly I had no bumps, no bulges , no pantlines and I did look smaller (I don’t mind that). It was smooth and blemish free look. There are so many styles available now from tanks to shorts to the original footless panty hose she originally made. No matter what your size, shapewear can only enhance how your appearance.
Here are Some Must-Have Shapewear:
Skinny britches, high waist capri which is available in a new lighter weight to keep you cool.
Original footless body shaping pantyhose
Trust your thinstincts tank
Hide and sleek adjustable strap cami
Simplicity girl short
Look at these pieces as part of your underwear, ladies! They need to be in your closet and under your clothes.
Have you discovered the wonderful world of shapewear?
Photo (girl) courtesy of Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/davidvalderas/5836792277/sizes/z/in/photostream/
Photo (spanx) courtesy of Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/vtainc/4385803890/sizes/z/in/photostream/
Images courtesy of Spanx at www.spanx.com