Blackfish Children’s Books Facebook Party May 21st
We love to throw Facebook Parties as it is a great way to interact with everyone and hand out goodies! On May 21st we will be hosting a Facebook Party sponsored by Blackfish Children’s Books. I came across this company through Geek Club Books – you remember our fun facebook party last month with Jodi Murphy?! Well, Blackfish Children’s Books is her developer and this company is quite unique in that they have developed a digital platform for children’s books. It integrates graphics, text, animations, music, and sounds into an interactive touch experience for mobile computing. It uses the most broadly customizable book engine. With the push of a button, all of the pages in a book can be instantly transformed to use a new main character or text can be adjusted throughout a book. Using their Customizabooks Engine, they work with publishers and authors to create digital interactive versions of their books. Many of their books have an unprecedented level of involvement in the storytelling process.
The Great Illustrators Project:
Tom Anderson, the cofounder of Blackfish Children’s Books has come out with a very unique app concept called The Great Illustrators Project. When he explained it to me I had the thought that usually comes to mind when talking to creative types – why didn’t I think of that? We will talk more about this groundbreaking idea at the party but basically, their new app will allow you and your children to create your own story (or eCard, eBook, storyboard, presentation, vacation scrapbook, etc.) easily and quickly using their library of professionally created images (see above for examples) and distribute it digitally everywhere. The illustrators that are part of this project are some of the best in the industry and have worked at Disney and others are up and coming illustrators.
We are so excited to share this fun concept with you all and will have some great items to hand out at the party! See you there!
What: Blackfish Children’s Books Facebook Party
When: May 21st from 5pm -7pm PST.
Where: Just go to this event page on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/263670367112601/ on the night of the party and join us. Make sure to refresh your computer so you can see the latest posts.
Dina Marie and Sherri Burgan of A Byte of This-n-That (https://www.facebook.com/pages/A-Byte-of-This-N-That/352413698185882?fref=ts),
Michelle Norris of Texas Homemaking ( www.texashomemaking.com),
Charly James of One Appy Mama (https://www.facebook.com/OneAPPYMama?fref=ts),
Jodi Hobbs of I Did Not Sign Up for This(https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-did-NOT-sign-up-for-this-Special-Needs-Parenting/226416517475272?fref=ts
Tracy Gail Churchman of Ty’s Adventures https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tys-Adventures/106416779391138
Will join us as our Panelists.
To Learn More About The Great Illustrators Project check out the Kickstarter Video here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1081951836/the-great-illustrator-project
Some goodies we will be handing out include:
Blackfish Children’s Books: codes for some of their popular apps. To read more about Blackfish Children’s Books go here: https://www.customizabooks.com/cb-products/blackfish
Signed Illustrations from the soon-to-be released The Great Illustrators Project.
Gift Cards from participating sponsors!
Geek Club Books (www.geekclubbooks.com) will provide 5 GCB bags at the Blackfish party, One side is of JMan and Mr. Redge and the other has the GCB logo.
Disney: Will be providing codes for this fun Disney Junior Magazine app which gives you the first issue for FREE! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/disney-junior-magazine/id635144007?mt=8
Oceanhouse Media: Codes for: https://

Jackie Bryla
Can’t wait
This looks like it will be great!