Community :: How We Can Help the Families in Oklahoma
It is so upsetting to watch the news and see the damage Monday’s tornado left behind in the community of Moore, Oklahoma. The Associated Press is reporting that 51 people – including at least 20 children – lost their lives yesterday. As parents, keeping our children safe is one of our major concerns and it is events like the Newton shootings and natural disasters that makes us feel one so vulnerable to forces out of our control. This morning I had several conversations (with myself) about whether or not I should take my six year old out of school today and go do something fun together. I just wanted to hold her tight all day long. Our time with our little ones is so precious I can’t even image the sadness the parents of the missing and deceased schoolchildren must be feeling right now. Our prayers and thoughts are with the town of Moore. Please remember to slow down and embrace your life and those around you.
Ways to help the relief efforts in Oklahoma include:
Salvation Army Supporters are encouraged to give online at www.SalvationArmyUSA.org or by calling 1-800-SAL-ARMY (1-800-725-2769). You can also text the word “STORM” to 80888 to make a $10 donation through your mobile phone; to confirm your gift, respond with the word “Yes.”
Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, in partnership with Oklahoma Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, is asking that the public support all rescue, recovery and disaster relief efforts with donations of cash to your favorite responding charity. Financial donations will allow disaster relief agencies to purchase whatever items are deemed necessary without resulting in the additional burden of securing warehouse space and volunteers to work donated product. To make a tax deductible donation to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, go to www.regionalfoodbank.org or call 604-7111 or text FOOD to 32333 to give $10 to relief efforts.
Feeding America Feeding America will deliver truckloads of food, water and supplies to impacted areas through its network of more than 200 food banks and 61,000 agencies. The organization’s food banks will also set up additional drop-off sites. To read more about how you can support Feeding America go to: www.feedingamerica.org
American Red Cross People who wish to make a donation can support American Red Cross Disaster Relief, which helps provide food, shelter and emotional support to those affected by disasters like the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma and Texas as well as disasters big and small throughout the United States by visiting redcross.org, dialing 1-800-REDCROSS or texting REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. (Source: https://www.blogher.com/frame.php?url=https://thepioneerwoman.com/blog/2013/05/oklahoma).
Project Night Night have already begun shipping hundreds of Night Night Packages to the children in Moore to bring them a measure of comfort. Each Night Night Package sent holds a stuffed animal, a security
blanket, and a bedtime story. The concept of the Project Night Night packages is to help children in crisis situations feel safe again after this disaster. To see how you can help donate a tote bag to to: www.projectnightnight.org
BlogHer Publishing Network member Kara Kae is buying diapers to take to survivors. She is local to the storm. She sent out this text today: If you would still like to help, email any size paypal donation to karakae(at)karakaejames(dot)com. I will purchase & deliver diapers today!
Please join us as we can work together to help the families in Oklahoma.
Photo courtesy of Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/dvids/8769767566/sizes/z/in/photostream/