Crafts :: Creative 4th of July Crafts for the Kids
The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays as it is usually spent at the pool, eating barbeque, and hanging out with friends. Last year, we spent the entire afternoon at the pool and no matter how much suntan protection we put on our redhead, she still managed to get a little sunburn – granted we spent most of the day at the pool so I guess it goes with the territory! This year, loaded with even more sun protection, we are planning to decorate the pool area and we found some cute 4th of July crafts you can do with the kids to help celebrate Americas’ birthday! Some of the crafts you can even use at the fireworks show in your town. We have missed our city’s fireworks show since my daughter was born as she is usually too tired to stay up, but who knows, maybe this year we can see the cool fireworks show our city puts on! We found some fun crafts that include handmade rocket poppers, fun bike decorating ideas, to clothespin pinwheels.
Enjoy yourself on this special holiday!
Handmade Rocket Poppers:
I found this cute craft via: https://alphamom.com/family-fun/holidays/make-your-own-fourth-of-july-confetti-popper-rockets/. She offers a step by step tutorial on how to make these – and it is a very easy craft to do. Image how much fun it will be to pull all the strings on the 4th and fill your living room with confetti – or you can choose to do it outside!
First you will need to gather your supplies.
- Paper towel or toilet paper tubes cut to rocket-like lengths
- colored paper (we chose patriotic colors and used everything from origami paper to scrapbook paper), make sure you have at least one sheet of something stiffer, like card stock too
- tissue paper (we used red)
stickers and marker pens (feel free to get crazy here) to decorate with
- confetti (homemade or store-bought
- bakers twine or string
- tape
- glue (any kind that works on paper will do)
- beads (these will not show so it doesn’t matter what they look like)
- ribbons for streamers
Tools you will need:
- a stapler
- scissors
- a craft or needlework needle
- fun craft punches for confetti (if you make your own)
- hole puncher
To read how to make this fun craft go to: https://alphamom.com/family-fun/holidays/make-your-own-fourth-of-july-confetti-popper-rockets/
Cool Ride:
This is a clever way to decorate the kids bikes. Found at Babble.com they say you just need to hit up your local craft store for paper, pinwheels and anything else that strikes your fancy in red, white and blue and let your kids go wild. Everyone will end up with something one-of-a-kind and beautiful! This looks like several sized cupcake holders that can be glued together at the back. To see more cute ideas go to: https://www.babble.com/home/10-best-4th-of-july-crafts/#pimp-my-ride-2
Clothespin Pinwheel:
This fun craft comes courtesy of Martha Stewart (of course) and is adorable. She says when describing these clothespin pinwheels: So pretty they’ll make you dizzy, these patriotic whirligigs spin in the wind. They’re tacked to clothespins so you can clip them to anything — like a bicycle basket. The directions are pretty simple to follow and this would be a great centerpiece at your 4th of July party! Direction on how to make can be found here: https://www.marthastewart.com/265200/clothespin-pinwheel?czone=holiday/sixty-days-of-summer/crafts-and-projects¢er=276964&gallery=275496&slide=265200
Photo courtesy of Flickr: photolist-9ZN4Yg-8fNP4t-9ZEd6D-9ZEfdP-dLYc5S-a11S9x-a1Paug-8fxT35-d7MVib-9ZNAnp-9ZH4XU-crK7dq-9ZRV46-9ZRXy8-9ZUJn7-8g5AY3-8fRT9G-9Zy2fH-cqtUQY-crNELJ-cLpepu-8hYKqD-cwv4Lo-a3esxz-9ZZp2Q-crgQad-9ZRHUG-9ZRGiU-8eRues-crt6f1-9ZyZaQ-8gr11d-a13zV6-9ZNAsr-8fd3Ah-9ZJXsK-a13A7i-9ZJXF8-9ZMPCy-9ZEBj6-9YDcwi

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