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Play :: Creating a Summer Bucket List for the Kids


The idea to create a bucket list for the family this summer came to me while looking through Pinterest.  The pictures that people post are such eye-candy – it is hard to get off the site!  I came across a bucket list that a woman had made with her kids.  I loved the idea so we are planning on creating our own bucket list this next week once my daughter is out of school.  Granted, I have a journal that I write down ideas from time to time things I want to do in my lifetime, but this bucket version is a shorter one that you create with the kids so they can chime in their ideas and things that they want to do over the summer.


Here are some great ideas for your kids’ bucket list this summer:

1. White water rafting

2. Track wild (or domestic) animals

3. Climb a tree

4. Play Croquet

5. Build a Robot

6. Try rock climbing at a local camp for kids

7. Cook on a camp fire – S’mores are always a hit!

8. Zip-lining

9. Swing on a rope swing

10. Camp out in the living room or backyard

11.  Go deep sea fishing or fishing at your local river or beachside

12.  Make a lemonade stand and sell drinks and treats to the neighbors

13.  Release some ladybugs in your garden as they help get rid of the pests

14.  Go to a Drive-In movie

15.  Have a sprinkler party complete with a slip-n-slide





Healthy Snacks on-the-go:

The other day we were heading out the door to spend some time at the beach as that is always on our bucket list – and the UPS guy had dropped off a box from NatureBox.  I grabbed it on our way out and brought it in the car and couldn’t open it fast enough.  It felt a bit like Christmas and I loved opening up to see a box filled with healthy treats.  The family immediately grabbed their favorites.  I grabbed the lemon herb roasted pistachios, and my husband grabbed the barbeque flavored corn nuts and (of course) my six year old grabbed the lemon waffle chips.  I love this idea of healthy snacks on the go – ready to be enjoyed.  You know the feeling when you are out and about and realize you forgot to bring some snacks for the kids!  This has happened to me on several occasions and usually the only options for a snack are chips or candy from the vending machine.  That is the worst and I usually get on myself as I know how important healthy foods (or unhealthy foods) affect my daughter’s mood!  So I really appreciate that NatureBox has created a snack box you can take on the go and provides you with a way to provide snacks for your whole family they will enjoy.  This will especially be helpful now that the summer has started and we will be running around town quite a bit checking off our bucket list!





naturebox-square-logoYou can sign up with NatureBox and they will send out monthly boxes filled with healthy snacks to makes you life simpler with one less thing to worry about!  Plus, for every box sold the company donates one meal to help feed the over 14 million children in America who go hungry.

So while you are enjoying checking off your Summer Bucket List – grab some healthy goodies and have a great time!

To learn more about the healthy snacks they offer and read more about the company go to:

ENJOY!  And share your bucket list with us!





References:  Photo courtesy of:

Thanks to NatureBox for sponsoring today’s discussion


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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