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Reflections :: To be alive with what is alive


Here is a thought worth contemplating.  It comes from a man named James Hollis in his book The Archetypal Imagination.

Hollis reminds us that the Greek word psyche, which is the root of words like psychology, means soul.

Today the word psyche is associated with our mental life, as in our thoughts and emotions–what’s going on in our head.  Meaning psyche as soul could be showing itself in whats running across our mind.

Soul is a funny thing to talk about.  It’s not something that can be counted or added up.  It has much more to do with quality.  So let’s call it quality of life.  Starting with the idea of soul showing itself by what runs across our mind suggests that a good way to know our soul is to measure what takes up most of the time in our head.

Feeling joy and vitality is one of the ways I mark my life as soulful.  But equally important are feelings of being attuned, attentive to what is going on right now.  That means even if something is challenging or mundane, experiencing it with as much life energy as I can give it translates as living authentically to me.  Which is one of the ways I count as being soulful.

My thought life runs scattered and willy-nilly when I pay it no attention.  Sometimes I’ll feel super funky and have no reason why, and try to ignore it because it’s something I don’t understand.

These are the ways I let soul escape me.

Don’t mistake me.  The remedy to this has nothing to do with trying to control my thoughts, to force positivity or rely on affirmations.  The remedy to this is to be alive with what is alive in our head.  To go to ourselves openly and gently, and hear what’s really going on up there.  It’s to greet our real life, imperfections and all, as the life going on right now.  The one we get to lead.

Once I do that, my next step is to be loving about it.  To practice love and tenderness with whatever runs across our mind screen, instead of stuffing it away or ignoring psyche’s–or soul’s–call.  This is called surrender.  If our soul life needs a lift or more vitality, our thoughts will tell us so.

When we are alive to ourselves, to what is happening within, then we can enlarge our experience.  We can make room for the real power that arises from our soul.   Starting with our minds is the easiest place, but it takes practice.

The practice is worth it, for who we are as mothers, wives, sisters, friends, coworkers and more all evolves out of this.  Who we are, either consciously or not, within.

In my practice I work with women to return to their power by beginning within.  I also try to have relationships with people that help me remember the importance for me of returning again and again within.  It is simple, but not easy.  I invite you to start by listening closer to your thoughts.  Try it today.



*image courtesy of Flickr:


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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