Recipes :: 5 Easy and Fun Snacks for School
It has been interesting to see what my daughter actually eats from the lunch I pack her for school. Some days she will eat everything and on other days, I find she made a trip to the cafeteria for a somewhat healthy treat. A few weeks ago, she ran up to me at pickup and apologized for not eating the sandwich I packed her. In her words “Mom, I am very sorry I didn’t eat the lunch you packed me, but on accident, I went into the cafeteria and somehow a box of Coco Puffs fell onto my tray and I also grabbed some milk. Oh! Did you know that when you mix Coco Puffs and milk it makes chocolate milk…?” Granted, I want her to eat the food I make her and not waste food, but I couldn’t help but laugh about the mysterious box of Coco Puffs that magically appeared on her tray. I have figured out that if I make her lunch more “fun” she tends to eat that as opposed to hitting up the cafeteria staff to give her credit so she can buy food from them. My husband and I were joking that there will be a sign in the cafeteria of her with a large X in the middle of her picture because she always trying to get some of the more sugary foods from the staff. I found some fun snack ideas I plan to make so she feels like she is getting more of a treat. Enjoy!
Apple Sandwich
This cute idea comes from Whole Foods Market. This would be so easy to make and very nutritious with the peanut butter (you can use almond or sun butter) sprinkle with oatmeal, granola and chocolate chips, raisins or even coconut – so many options. You can read more here.
Butterfly Bags
This creative snack comes from Juggling With Kids. You could make the clothes pin body together with your kids to be used for their snacks. Love how you have goldfish on one side and grapes on the other! Read more here.
Frozen Yogurt Treats
These might work better for an after-school snack but thought they were so fun to serve (and make). This idea comes from Mommy Blog Expert and she explains how she made them: I filled fun shaped cookie cutters with yogurt, added some raw oats, raisins, sprinkles and red hot mini candies to bling them out and froze them for a few hours. These are such a blast to make and your kids — even traditional school children — might want to help create these for a delicious after school snack, too. Read more here.
Spider Treats
These are perfect for Halloween as well! This idea coms from Amber Brunson and she says: They require almost no time at all to put together and you can substitute many of the ingredients for things you already have on hand and still get a fun treat. The Ritz crackers can be any round cracker, the peanut butter can be cream cheese or frosting, the spider legs can be chow mien noodles (they make the legs really wiggle which I like, but my kids wont eat them yet), and the eyes can be raisins for a healthier treat. Read more at Ambers blog here:
Banana Lollipops
What kid doesn’t love the word Lollipop? This nutritious treat will surely be a hit! Made with a banana, peanut butter and nuts – this easy-to-make snack can be frozen as well. Read more here and click on view slideshow for more ideas. From The Daily Meal.
What are some snack ideas that your kids love to eat?