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What’s Hot in Southern California :: Tanaka Farms

Picking fresh strawberries off the vine!
One of the first things I wanted to do after my daughter was born was to take her to Tanaka Farms Pumpkin Patch during the month of October. For many years while we were trying to conceive, I would see all the moms and children walking around Strawberry Farms and wished that someday I could take my own child to all of the activities they host over the year – especially during the month of October as I love Halloween and they offer a great petting zoo, a large selection of pumpkins and fun knick knacks for sale.  Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and sharing this with my child was something I was really looking forward to doing.  The first time I took my daughter to the pumpkin patch she was only about 4 months old but I was beaming from ear to ear as I had waited years to do this very thing.  Fast forward to the present day where visiting Tanaka Farms several times during the holiday season where we pick out our Christmas tree, pet the animals at the petting zoo, taking a wagon ride tour through their fields of strawberries has played a big part in my daughter’s life.  I shop there weekly for our fresh fruits and vegetables as they really do have the freshest produce around.  There really isn’t a comparison as they grow most of the produce they sell on the farm and if they don’t grow something they source it out through a trusted farm.  I had a chance to speak to Ken Tanaka about the history of the farm and the role they have played in our community in helping teach our children about how and where food is grown.
Wagon Rides where the kids are taught about the food grown in the fields.
Wagon Rides where the kids are taught about the food grown in the fields.

Tell us how Tanaka Farms came to be and what was the inspiration behind creating the farm?

Tanaka Farms has been in our family since about 1940.  I am a 4th generation Japanese American (Yonsei) and my father is a 3rd generation (Sansei).  So farming has run in the family for a long time.  My grandfather George Tanaka started farming in Huntington Beach area.  He was a wholesale farmer, farming mainly strawberries and tomatoes.  My father Glenn Tanaka took over and was doing wholesale and roadside stands.  When we lost our Cypress stand in 1997 we then started venturing into agritourism which are the tours we give today.


An employee teaching schoolchildren about the fruits and vegetables grown on the farm.
An employee teaching schoolchildren about the fruits and vegetables grown on the farm.

What are some groups you work with to encourage healthy eating and habits.

We have over 30,000 children and adults from schools, mommy and me classes, churches, and families that come out to the farm each year to learn where their food is coming from, how it grows, and taste how good fresh fruits and vegetables can be.  When the children try raw foods from the farm, parents are amazed and hopefully that encourages them to start purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables for their families.
My daughter enjoying strawberry picking with her classmates.
My daughter enjoying strawberry picking with her classmates.

What are some of your more popular events that families and school children can attend during the year?  And do you have a funny story that you want to share with us – either about your petting zoo, strawberry picking or school events?

My favorite event is our Strawberry Tours running March-June but we have Watermelon Tours July-August, U-Pick’em tours March-August, and our Pumpkin Patch during October.  
My favorite story is when I was doing many of the tours I would give out raw baby maui onions.  I had one child say he would not eat it and hated onions.  I kind of gave him some encouragement and got him to try it.  Once he tried it he kind of smiled and he ended up eating the whole onion from roots, the bulb, and the long green part of the onion.  He has been my example ever since.

Any news you want to share with dandelion moms?

We also do Cookout Tours by reservations only.  On this tour you take a guided walking tour around the farm and pick your own veggies.  We then take you to the top of the hill and wash your veggies, you prepare them how you like, and we cook it for you.  Then you eat.  Its a very fun and interactive tour.  

Good news if you are local!  Ken Tanaka is providing our lovely dandelion moms with a gift certificate as a giveaway that provides:

This Certificate entitles the holder to come to Tanaka Farms: Strawberry Tour Good March-June

Watermelon Tour Good July-August

U-Pick Pumpkin Patch Good October

Valued at $68!  Details coming soon!
To read more about Strawberry Farms and the tours they offer go to:

Good luck lovely dandelion moms!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.


  • Krista

    Some of the BEST pictures of my daughter have been taken during our strawberry picking adventures at Tanaka Farms. Big juicy smiles in all of them!

  • kristin dutwiler

    We have been to Tanaka and love that the kids will eat the fruits and veggies right from the ground…even taste an onion!

  • giulietta

    We are so lucky – all of us – to have an organic family-owned farm to go to as an alternative to a supermarket. My daughter and I grew up, literally, right across the street from the farm alongside University Avenue and would walk over there many mornings and afternoons to buy our dinner for that day. How many people are able to do that?

    Our favorite time to visit is in October during the pumpkin patch tours and picking…when you ride the wagon, they bring you over the hillside on the far end and you get to watch them shoot a pumpkin out of the “cannon”! You can really tell that they care about the community and the future of the community because they are all about education and making things accessible.

  • shannon gustafson

    I love Tanaka Farms, We go to the strawberry, watermelon and pumpkin tours every year. We also buy our Christmas tree there!

  • grace c.

    we’ve been to tanaka farms for various tours (u-pick’em, strawberry, pumpking) and love them all! would agree with you that the Fall season is a favorite with all the harvest and family-friendly activities at the farm!

  • Kaleena

    Love the farm! We had a chance to meet you a few years back, my daughter still takes out her signed purple pirate book for us to read to her, thank you!

  • Jennifer B.

    I went strawberry picking there once as a kid with a group ( I do not know if it was open to the public back then) in strawberry season, and would absolutely love to visit there again as an adult with my family!

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