Recipes :: Fall Paleo (Gluten-Free) Dishes
For Mother’s Day this year my husband gave me the book The Paleoista by Nell Stephenson that changed my life and my body. For reasons I will go into in my health post this week, I was at a real down point with my health (and up with the pounds) that I was willing to try just about anything to feel and look better! Fast forward a few months and I have lost 17 pounds, can finally fit into my wardrobe again and gave my bigger clothes to The Salvation Army as I figured I wouldn’t ever need them again if I stick to this way of eating. It was the easiest way I have ever lost weight and never felt I was missing out on something. And if I wanted to eat something not on the diet (can you say pumpkin pie with the crust) then I would eat it. But after eating these gluten foods, I would usually not feel good and it was a great reminder on why I was eating the Paleo Diet. But I dislike the word Diet as it is just the way I eat now. Keep in mind, I changed my diet more for health reasons than for losing weight. Yes, that was a BIG plus and the easiest way I have ever lost weight in my life – but it had more to do to me feeling horrible 24/7 and not having much energy to enjoy my life! So here’s to embracing our health and taking the steps to feel (and look) better! Below are some yummy recipes I found that you can enjoy this fall season. Yum Yum!
Braised Chicken with Artichokes and Pearl Onions:
This delicious looking recipe comes from Nom Nom Paleo (best blog name!) and contains one of my favorites vegetables – artichokes! I eat a ton of artichokes and love how she mixed the two in this dish. To read more about how to make this for your next dinner go to: https://nomnompaleo.com/post/8211963635/braised-chicken-with-artichokes-and-pearl-onions-v-2
Pork Chops with Sage Garlic Butter:
Blogger Blog Lovin has some great Paleo Gluten-free recipes and I love the Pork Chops and Squash Spaghetti and Meatballs she has listed here: https://www.bloglovin.com/frame?post=1647598495&group=0&frame_type=a&blog=4605927&link=0 Surprisingly, I have yet to try out the Squash Spaghetti, but the recipe looks so easy to attempt – and yummy – that I just might have to try it out this week! The Caramel Apple Spiced Gluten-Free Waffles you see in the picture is listed below as well! The recipe for the Pork Chops is found here: https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/Pork-Chops-with-Sage-Garlic-Butter-55
Apple Butternut Squash Bacon Breakfast
This yummy dish comes from blogger Urban Poser (what a great name) who says it is her child’s favorite dish! This recipe is filled with delicious ingredients like bacon (yes, you can get a healthier version of bacon – make sure to look for nitrate free and grass-fed or no hormones added bacon), butternut squash and some tasty herbs. Read more here: https://urbanposer.blogspot.com/2012/01/apple-butternut-squash-bacon-breakfast.html?utm_content=buffercfea9&utm_source=buffer&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=Buffer
Caramel Apple Spiced Gluten-Free Waffles:
If you are in the mood for some delicious waffles but find you do best (or your kids) on a gluten-free diet – then you will love these delicious apple-spiced waffles from Danielle of Against All Grain. She uses eggs, cup whole macadamia nuts or raw cashews, coconut oil (great oil to include in your diet, put on your hair and skin), and honey. To read more go to: https://www.againstallgrain.com/2013/09/16/caramel-apple-spice-gluten-free-waffles/
Paleo Samoa Girl Scout Cookies:
These sure do look good! I love how they use dark chocolate and coconut flakes in this recipe – both of which are very healthy! This recipe comes from Shape Magazine! To read more go to: https://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/meal-ideas/20-satisfying-fall-meals-any-diet/paleo-samoa-girl-scout-cookies
0What are some of your favorite gluten-free recipes?