Talk Like a Pirate Facebook Party September 19th
It was three years ago this month that I found out about International Talk Like a Pirate Day. On September 19th the entire world is asked to “talk like a pirate” for the day! This idea was started over 10 years ago by Mark “Cap’n Slappy” Summers and John “Chumbucket” Baur. I had a chance to interview these two fun mates and you can read more about how the idea to “Talk Like a Pirate” came to them and why they chose September 19th as the day to talk like a pirate here on my author site. As many of you know, my first storybook app and book, Penelope the Purple Pirate, features a girl pirate who loves to have adventures and uses her magical coat tree to transform her into far away lands so I am a big fan of anything to do with pirates!
Penelope will be at LEGOLAND Resort!
This year I am so excited to be working with LEGOLAND California Resort and Park to encourage kids and kids-at-heart to enjoy this fun day! I will be hosting our Talk Like a Pirate Facebook Party from one of the LEGOLAND California Resort Pirate rooms and will take pictures of the pirates who will be roaming around the hotel that night to share at the party! These very pirates will be doing a Penelope reading around 7pm at the hotel if you happen to be in the area and want to enjoy some treasure and Penelope cake! We will be handing out loads of pirate goodies so make sure to don your pirate gear, and get ready to Talk Like a Pirate!
Details about the TLAP Facebook Party include:
WHO: Anyone who wants to Talk Like a Pirate for a day!
WHAT: Penelope’s annual Talk Like a Pirate Day Facebook Party at this event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/160134900857958/?context=create
WHEN: September 19th from 5:30 pm PST to 6:30 pm PST!
WHERE: I will be hosting the party from the LEGOLAND California Resort Pirate Room.
LEGOLAND Park 4 Ticket Giveaway!
In support of TLAP Day, LEGOLAND is providing one lucky family with 4 tickets to LEGOLAND Park and a LEGO set (Total valued at over $500). Enter the giveaway as often as you can and good luck be to ye!
UPDATE! Congratulations to Amber Smith-Stanco! You won the LEGOLAND 4 Hopper Tickets and pirate LEGO swag!
- Name: Amber Smith-Stanco Facebook
Goodies handed out at the party will include:
Penelope will provide a signed copy of Penelope the Purple Pirate, Penelope codes and this adorable Hello Kitty Pirate!
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Penelope-the-Purple-Pirate/184530521575620
Website: https://melissanorthway.com/
Penelope is on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/penelope-the-purple-pirate/id413515760?mt=8
Geek Club Books is providing some pirate gear for a lucky participant!
Geek Club Books is on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GeekClubBooks
Karen Robertson of Treasure Kai will provide some pirate booty – including her book, Treasure Kai and the Lost Gold of Shark Island (pirate treasure comes with the book), and some codes to Treasure Kai
Treasure included with the book!
“Treasure Kai and the Lost Gold of Shark Island” app – promo codes to give away
Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/treasure-kai-lost-gold-shark/id418289114?mt=8
Cary Snowden, author of The Day I Became A Pirate is providing some codes as well for our participants!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thedayibecameapirate
Website: https://thedayibecameapirate.com/

Kristen M
We like (and have) sets from the city set. My kids would go crazy now over the minecraft set!
Tracy Faris
We like the city set and the farm sets
My girls just discovered the Lego friends series and they love them!!!
Shannon Wilckens
I would have to say Harry Potter or any Castle sets:) Me I love all the mini bag sets:)
Sharon McGinnis
Love to visit Legoland with the family! Kids love “Legend of Chima”
Tiffany Pierce
My boys would be SO excited. They love all Legos, but Pirates and HP are particular favorites!
My kids LOVE LOVE LOVE Legoland– one of their most favorite places. LEGO’s are all over my house- Ninjago, Chima, Star Wars– you name it- we have it!
My son loves the Master Builder series
like everything lego!
celia gonzalez
my kids love anything legos but since I have all girls they love anything girly!
Mary H
We love the Monster Fighter Series.
Star Wars, hands down!!! Both my son and daughter (and husband!) LOVE the SW Legos, although we have a new Pirates of the Caribbean set that has been a lot of fun.
bree M
I love the lego friends set, I play with them with my niece all the time. I wish they had them when I was little.
My boys are LEGO crazy,From Chima to Star Wars they love them all! And want to go so bad to LEGOLAND!
Michelle P
Lego Star Wars!
He likes his city set
What a fun site! My son is into the Lone Ranger right now…..
Karla Gomez
My kids love Legos they really don’t have a favorite as they like to mix them up and build their own things. They have lots of the city Legos and ninjago also.
Amanda Perillo
The minecraft set is on the top of the list of my nine year old! He loved the new Chi.as, and has been collecting figures since series started.
Amanda Perillo
I tweeted, but cannot copy and paste url from my phone
Dallan Christenson
My kids’ favorite set series is the Dinosaurs! I think they have every set available!
How fun. Thank you for the contest. We are a military family of 18 years. This would be so great to win and relax a little with the family all together.
Gabby Vivas
My daughter loves the Lego duplo sets. I recently saw that they have princess Lego duplo sets; which I am going to buy soon.
Stephanie V.
star wars! just like mommy!
Katie Stanton
My sons favorite Lego series is probably the kingdom. He love anything with knights : )
Jennifer Trejo
My son’s favorite is Galaxy Squad!
I would say Ninjago my boys do Karate
Caren Sue Evans
Can’t wait! Ahoy there me hearties!
My kids like old pirate Lego and Duplo sets they don’t sell anymore.
Natoyah Swift
It is definitely Chima or Ninjago!!!!
Sharyn B
My kids love the Lego City Series
We love Lego! My chid plays with my childhood Duplo blocks, and has a my frst Lego princess set which got for her birthday that she also often plays with.
Debnmike Moretti
My boys love anything Cars or Disney related when playing Legos.
Lego Star Wars
We like the farm sets. So much fun!
My son would LOVE if I won this! <3
My son has started liking the city legos. He has the chopper and I forget what else.
Sounds like a super party!
And his favorite are the super heroes
My loves love so many of the Lego series. Some of their favorites are Star Wars, Chima, Ninjago & the Hero Facotry.
My 5 yo loves his Pirates of the Caribbean Legos and my 7 yo loves lego city especially police and fire!
elizabeth m
We would love to go to Legoland.
elizabeth m
My son loves the Star Wars series and any hero series. He just loves LEGOS.
Tammy Hadley
He loves anything super hero. He loves the lego city as well. Ok…lets get real Aiden loves any thing lego. He eats sleeps and dreams lego.
any kind loves them all
mary mahon
My kids like pretty much all Lego, my older boys favorite is Harry Potter, My girl loves the friends sets and the younger boy’s current favorite is Star wars, but I don’t think they have ever met a Lego set they didn’t like !
My kids love lego starwars!! They are also into Doctor who big time now and I heard they have those in legos too.
kathy balman
Right now Ninjago
My son loves Lego City!