Recipes :: Fun Halloween Lunch Ideas
My husband and I are now trying to barter with our first grader so that she will finish her school lunch. Our new grand idea is to let her eat Pizza Friday from the cafeteria on Friday’s if she eats the school lunches we pack her during the week. She is SO excited about eating pizza from the cafeteria we thought this might be motivation to eat more at lunchtime. I am not sure why she isn’t eating very much at school, but I think it is a combination of there being so much action going on around her at lunchtime that she is still getting accustomed to – as well as her packed lunches are not “exciting” enough to motivate her to finish her meal. It is hard to compete with sugary cereal boxes calling her from the cafeteria (I am not sure why schools are still supplying our kids with these unhealthy snacks – but that is another post). So I went in search of some fun and healthy ideas that just might help her keep her promise to finish her lunches! I found some really great ideas on Pinterest but only listed the ones I thought wouldn’t take us all day and night to make! Here’s to some spooky lunches that will be actually eaten!
I like this lunch as it is adorable but is really easy to put together in the morning while the kids are getting dressed. You just need to purchase a ghost cookie cutter that you can find just about any where these days! To read what she uses for the eyes and mouth go to Cookie Cutter Lunch.
Frankenstein’s Come For a Visit:
This cute idea comes from Bento School Lunches who has a ton of fun ideas. This was one of the more simpler lunch ideas and she uses healthy cheese to make the scar on Frankenstein’s face as well as seaweed which is a great snack for the kids. Trader Joe’s offers a really tasty dried seaweed snack that my daughter can’t seem to get enough of! To see more ideas go to Bento School Lunches.
It’s a Bird! It’s a Plane! It’s a Spooky Bat:
I love how Glory Mischief included some fun facts for the kids to enjoy while they are eating their meal. This simple lunch is quite nutritious with the cheese, raw veggies (stem yours if your kids prefer them softer) and yummy strawberries. You can pick up some little Halloween trinkets to include in their lunches at your local craft store. To read more go to Glory Mischief.
Smiling Ghosts:
This cute lunch idea comes from Parent Map and is a healthy alternative to PB&J sandwich (and boy don’t we need some alternatives!). You could put healthy lunch meat (try to buy the kind that says they don’t add any MSG or preservatives) or a veggie burger in this wheat bun. To read more go to Parent Map.
This idea comes from Family Fresh Meals and uses fresh cheese to make the spooky character from the Disneyland Haunted Mansion and seaweed for the face. The fresh fruit counter balances the candy corn and sprinkles in the yogurt. It is all about balancing healthy foods with the occasional treat. To read more go to Family Fresh Meals.
It is my goal to make my daughter’s lunches a tad more exciting and I hope this helps entice her to eat more at lunchtime! Enjoy these fun ideas for your Halloween-loving kids!

Susanna Barbee
So cute! Love these ideas. I pinned to my Halloween/Fall board and look forward to using some of these for my boys. Thank you!
Randi Sowders
These are so stinkin cute! I am pinning to remember next year when my daughter needs her lunch packed!
This would be a great addition to our link up party this week!