Dandelion Moms Holiday Facebook Party December 12th
Yay! The holidays are upon us! They always seem to sneak up on us don’t they? Let’s celebrate the season and have some fun – Facebook style! You know we like to throw a good party and our sponsors: Cupcake Digital, Geek Club Books and my publishing company, Polka Dots Publishing are offering some treats to hand out that include toys, gift cards and loads and loads of codes to their most popular apps! Make sure to save the date and stop by for some fun!
WHEN: December 12th from 5:30 pm PST to 7 pm PST.
WHERE: Just go to this page on Facebook around 5:30 pm: https://www.facebook.com/partypagedmppp?ref=hl
WHAT: Join in the fun by stopping by our event page here and join in the conversation. We will be dropping codes, and having some holiday trivia so you can win some goodies!
WHO: Our sponsors this year include Cupcake Digital, Geek Club Books, and Polka Dots Publishing Do make sure to stop by their pages to say hello!
Cupcake Digital:
Cupcake Digital creates fun and interactive deluxe story and activity app experiences for kids and families based on popular children’s entertainment properties. Cupcake Digital’s apps are available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play and Barnes & Noble.
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cupcakedigital?fref=ts
Website: www.cupcakedigital.com
Goodies they are providing include:
We will be giving away 3 VeggieTales DVD’s: Merry Larry and the True Light of Christmas: https://www.amazon.com/Veggie-Tales-Merry-Larry-Christmas/dp/B00DS79GY8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1386167334&sr=8-1&keywords=veggietales+merry+larry+and+the+true+light+of+Christmas
Geek Club Books:
#Aspergers #Autism #Special needs …We’re all trying to find our place in the world…to feel accepted…to know we matter.
When you come here, we want you to know that we like you just the way you are. We’re a community of all kinds—some with special needs—and it’s time we stand tall and celebrate our uniqueness. To us, normal is just plain boring.
Hello! Being typical can NEVER be extraordinary.
Polka Dots Publishing:
We provide consulting and social media marketing plans for authors, developers and companies.