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Tech :: Safety with Style!

Recently, I was looking for some clever stocking stuffers for some family members and friends. What I ran across gave me pause. It was innovative and I read about it and looked at it (online) and after looking at all their products I decided to contact this company. What happened was my mind stopped thinking about stocking stuffers and started thinking about some of the things I do as a woman, a mother – while out and about (shopping not just this time of the year or going places with the kids or alone) and the type of things I do at home.This is about security. Personal security. Safety. As most of you know I have a son that is on the spectrum with a myriad of medical problems and/or diagnosis as well. With that being said I’ve had scares and I have done my best to make our home ‘safe’ and for me to know when doors or even windows are open. I think we all do similar things regardless of having a child(ren) on the spectrum. Yet at home since you never know what could happen (whether him trying to get out/leave or someone trying to enter) I am like Fort Knox! Or so I have been told on numerous occasions. I have equipped each door/window etc that leads outside or to a section of the house that could take you outside (say garage) with the alarms that alert/sound when whatever is linked up to the alarm system is opened.

Unfortunately, one of my doors for whatever reason has decided to stop working (alarm wise). We don’t use this door (at least not much anymore). I know kids have swung on it pushed it to its limits and just honestly beat the poppers out of it no matter how many times I have asked them not to open it or do that or just leave it alone! Yes, I should have said “please, jump all over it and climb on it” and perhaps they would have done the opposite *lol* Anyway, it’s been years since having all this installed and well, it’s expensive to have the security company come out and replace this (you know they’ll say they need to check everything and go through it all and try to add-on services and more while they charge me this huge fee of just coming out to begin with). So I thought there has to be a better way. Currently I have a normal door-wedge under my door. Just something simple (along with a regular bolt lock that I also have on the other doors as well and always have had these features even with the security…(told you Fort Knox haha).

While perusing this site of items I found well let me just say I found myself a solution without looking for a solution that day. They have a variety of products but the one that jumped out at me that day was the “ila Wedge Door Alarm” just as I have now; only this “wedge” has a built-in alarm! – oh.em.gee I am IN LOVE! Hence one of the many reasons I contacted this company.




ila Security Provides Stylish Safety Products:

I started reading and reading and looking and was like this is so simple yet so brilliant and so much cuter (hey, I like that that are pretty!) and SAFER than say mace or anything else out there on the market for women! The company is ila Security. They’re out of the UK and they have found what I consider a niche in our market for women who are security conscious or parents that want their daughter(s) to have something safe and the young girls or tweens/teens – young adults that want to feel safe yet look cute and actually conversation stopping in a way. A way to show their personality and be fashionable all the while it may look simple and harmless but will do something without hurting oneself (like again a can of mace which if you turn that bad boy the wrong way and get yourself, miss, or worse while wrangling with it you can’t get it open or out of that cute pink pouch in time…or you traveled via airplane so you were not allowed to have it on your person) well now you have something and I myself am super excited to introduce you to it!


History Behind ila Security:

ila Security is the genius of three men (and yes there is a baby *lol* more than one actually – all by their partners/spouses as each has their own family). What these men did and again ingeniously in my opinion was realize that women like fashion. HU?! You don’t say! And they developed and went with that: a way to keep a woman safe without having ANY limitations on where she could carry this or for that matter how. They started with the “ila personal alarm – DUSK” and then went on to the smaller “ila keyring alarm – PEBBLE” and that grew into the “ila Handbag Hero” (which keeps your keys easily accessible in/on your purse/handbag. They also offer:  “ila Wedge Door Alarm”, “ila Sports Pedometer Alarm”, “ila Handbag Hook”, and the “ila Wordlock Combination Lock” … the sky is the limit on personal safety/security for this company.

Luggage Lock - Pink high res.1


They offer many stylish options:


I found the “PEBBLE” and “DUSK” on The Grommet which I just love. The Dusk clips to your purse/handbag (and your keys can attach to it as well) where you can let every one see your very fashionable ‘charm’ without giving away that it is personal safety. There is a chain that hangs from the Dusk which makes me emphasize how it looks charming and something women would use to accessorize ~ anyway, just pull the chain and voila a powerful 130Db scream emits from the Dusk which will garner attention/scare off attacker/and give you enough time to break free and get away. Pretty clever in my opinion. I’ve heard the scream and I would RUN! If you happen to pull the chain accidentally, no problem, just pop it right back on. That’s all you do. So yes, it is reusable unlike other personal safety items out there. The Pebble is for your keys and they also come in a variety of fashionable colors and styles. Keys in hand you just push a button on the Pebble and in less time than a blink of an eye an ear-piercing high decibel alarm is activated! From there I went and found their website. I saw all their products (I listed above) that they offer to date and was just impressed and really liked that the items were cleverly disguised in a fashionable sense/way while also offering something I could use to get help or get away (distract my attacker).




Let me finish telling you a tad more as I want to mention the “ila Wedge Door Alarm” the product that really got me hooked on ila Security and had me contacting them. The Wedge is not just for home. Pack it and take it with you if you travel a lot and would like to feel safer at a hotel (work/vacation) or if you’re going to visit friends you haven’t seen in a long time or give it to your friend or daughter heading off to college – so many versatile uses for it. It works in a couple ways. First the wedge goes under your door (so a door cannot open or only open a certain amount) in order to jam it from opening (you can then flip to ON so that the alarm will be triggered to go off if the door is opened/pressed against it and when that happens an ear-splitting high decibel alarm is emitted. The Wedge is like the other ila Security items stylish and it’s lightweight (so traveling with it is super easy). You turn the alarm off by just flipping the switch to off. You can use it just as a regular door wedge and keep the alarm off as well (I’ll be using with the alarm on by the way instead of purchasing a new alarm kit for my door). ila Security is currently paired up to sell in the US with The Grommet and the “Handbag Hero” is sold on QVC which also sells the Dusk. I also found the Pebble, Dusk and Wedge on Amazon, however, it does not look like it is coming through their distributor out of Colorado (but the companies selling look legit and perhaps have purchased and are re-selling). All of these options are great ways to reach audiences as online shopping is easy to do plus at this time of the year you can ship it to your home or straight to the recipient. ila Security is sold globally which we’ll get to (if in the UK and other areas abroad order directly from ila Security online through their website).


What I found out after contacting and speaking with their PR liaison/marketing manager, Christa Carr, located in the US is that ila Security believes in what they are selling. Their goal is to ensure that women feel safe without losing fashion/style which we love. She gave me some background on the company and how their relationship with QVC began in order to reach our market and become a platform where items such as the Dusk could be showcased and seen in real time (which some prefer in order to hear the ‘scream’ and see how easy it is to use). I also found out that it has been featured/shown on Today with Hoda Kotb and Kathie Lee Gifford! I went to their youtube channel and listened for myself to the personal security alarms in action along with watching The Grommet Reviews and a GMTV segment . They still had me. I was in. I love it. I was impressed with the clients/partnerships they have formed with high-end car manufacturers to airlines and more. Now I felt like I was really onto something novel ~ something totally different and new that was clever and again fashionable (there’s that word again) that I could see women using. I personally want this at every counter in Macy’s and/or JCPenny’s or Belks or for that matter sell it at Target but get it out there! So with that, I asked Christa about these “three guys” that made this little item grow from a thought to personal security alarms for women – and again I say, “the sky is the limit”.


Let me say this. I got quite a tickle when Christa told me about these “three guys” from the UK (although one, Nick, resides currently in the US). I’ll be showing my age some here and some of you will get it and some may not (depending on what age bracket you fall into) so let’s get on with it. There’s Nick, Simon and James (John *lol*). I snickered and said “like Duran Duran” … a pause and then “yes”…can you tell me where Andy is (I said while trying to keep giggles at bay) … and pulled myself together (as best I could). I had a better idea. Can I interview them? Send some questions and have them answer when they have the time or one of them, please, please, please, pleeaasssseeeee? Christa was a true gem and agreed. So with that I give you my little Q&A with Nick Christie, Director for International Sales, ila Security:


How did the idea for ila come about?

The idea for ila came about as the brainchild between global marketing and advertising agency, BBH, who do all the global advertising for the likes of Axe, British Airways and Audi and the team at ila Security with a background in “innovating the everyday”.

They saw a gap in the market which was all about “safety with style”. Personal safety is incredibly important to women (indeed a recent Glamour Magazine report listed personal safety as women’s second greatest concern in their lives, after their career), yet no brand before ila had focused on the fact that women want to carry beautiful and fashionable safety products and accessories, rather than just a functional but ugly piece of plastic.

I have to ask … I saw some “auditions” for the “scream”. How difficult was it to choose? Do you have any that were hysterical (you know spill it tell me the good, the bad and the ugly) and ultimately how/who you chose.

The tricky thing here was to get a scream that was loud, would attract attention/scare an attacker but also not sound ridiculous or distort too much. So what we did is record a number of screams of employees and friends we know and picked the best one for the purpose. Eventually it was a girl called Katie!

I see that British Airways (among others) is one of your clients. How has the US Market been in that regard? To me it would and should be a hit (with women, commercial flights and more) considering the security measures for traveling nowadays (with your ila Security products women don’t have to worry about) as it stays with them/on their person.

British Airways are indeed a client of the ila alarms, but our biggest client in the USA has been QVC TV Shopping channel. The benefit of showing on QVC is that the scream can be demonstrated (difficult in a shop!) and the background to the products can be explained. Definitely travel is a key area for the products though, especially as people are often more wary when they are traveling or in places they do not know so well as home.

Are you thinking about a men’s line? A smaller version perhaps on a key ring? Would it be the same or perhaps a different sound etc?

Not at this stage – this is not to say that some men don’t have products.

I love all of ila Security products and the newest models (wedge/sport); what other areas are you thinking of doing? (Above I asked about men – what about teens/tweens)?

We are looking at a “motion sensor” portable house alarm that can sense when an intruder comes into your property, and a range of fashionable and functional Handbag Accessories all aimed at the “girl about town” after the more recent success of our Handbag Hero product. So not just alarm based products but everything for the girl about town which could make their lives easier.

I see a great potential for your brand and at the moment you’re available from The Grommet and on QVC (US market). I’d love to see a more national market (say Macy’s / JCPenney and more). Are you currently in talks with any of the larger department stores?

We are indeed, but cannot list the retailers until orders are confirmed. We are also in catalogs such as Seventh Avenue.

Where do you see ila Security in the next five years growth wise and personally?

Established globally as the number one brand for female personal safety and with products to help women live their lives more easily especially when out and about. Personally continuing to lead the global expansion beyond the 35 countries we already export to.

Can you tell me a little about the three of you? Such as how you met and, please I’d love in your words if you would let us know about the award(s) that ila has won to date.

James Phillips and Simon McGivern met at school and then both went onto Edinburgh University together. I personally knew James through my wife who was an old childhood friend of his.

Ila Security Ltd won a huge award in 2010 when we won the Best New Company in London and were a Nationwide Finalist – an award from HSBC Bank and Sky News (News Corp).

We became listed on the UK stock exchange in 2010.

Okay, I have to ask (as if you have never heard this before lol) … what’s your favorite Duran Duran song and where is Andy (okay and Roger too) ha-ha!

“Wild Boys” was one of the first songs I purchased on 7 inch vinyl record! But I think “Rio” would be my favourite!


Okay ladies, let me just say this – or men reading this. First it’s the holidays and I think any of the ila Security personal alarms or handbag/purse items (Handbag Hero, Handbag Lock and Wordlock +) ANY of their items would make GREAT stocking stuffers or gifts (for family/friends/coworkers etc). They are extremely fashionable and come in a variety of styles/colors to fit everyone. I imagine that ila Security is a name we’re all going to know in our households. I do feel they are going to be big here in the US just as they are abroad. It will not and would not surprise me to start seeing them not just on QVC and The Daily Grommet (or in the Seventh Avenue catalog but on counters in department stores and the like). I know it is hard to demonstrate “the scream” or the ear-piercing alarm, however, this is easily remedied in my opinion by having a small screen that loops an actual demonstration or commercial of sorts of the product so the customer sees/hears it in action along with word of mouth. I guess all my friends know what they’re getting this year! I should have said SPOILER ALERT do not read *ha-ha* but I don’t want any one to miss out on this so I had to share. And in true fashion sharing sense, ila Security is letting us giveaway a few of their products *squeal*. Enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win! I would also like to thank Nick for taking time in his busy schedule to respond to my questions along with Christa who has been a joy to ask questions and speak with. Both were good sports about and with my Duran Duran fascination and humor that I just could not keep myself from. On that note, “I’m Hungry Like a Wolf” as are my kids so off I go…Good luck on entering!

ila Security:
ila on Facebook:
ila on Twitter:
ila Dusk on QVC (animal/blue floral/floral multi/red dot) $22.00:
ila Handbag Hero on QVC (brown/cream/dark brown) $19.93:
ila Pebble on The Grommet (cranberry/black) $14.95:
ila Dusk on The Grommet (asian floral/zebra/red polkadot): $24.95:
ila Wedge on The Grommet (red/black) $18.95:
ila youtube channel:

Just for kicks here’s one of the ila Dusk auditions for “the scream” *ROFL* Enjoy:

ila Security is sold throughout the UK and now sells its range of products in 30 countries around the world through a network of distributors and agents. Countries covered include: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA.

simon and james
Simon McGivern, CEO of ila Security and James Phillips, Sales Director of ila Security
HSBC’s Start-Up Star Awards 2010 (Regional Winner – Greater London)
ila Handbag Hero
Hook Open.1
ila Handbag Hook
Ila Dusk Purple Small chain.1
ila Dusk (various colors/designs available)
Ila Pebble Pink.1
ila Pebble (various colors/designs available)
Luggage Lock - Pink high res.1
ila Wordlock (various color options available)
Sport (front).1
ila Sport Pedometer Alarm (calorie counter, pedometer, distance traveled, clock, back-light, lightweight, plus 130Db personal alarm)
thumb_Hook Open (mirror).1
ila Handbag Hook (versatile ~ as you see it has a built-in mirror on compact)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Charly is a divorced SAHM of two kids (varying SN). She loves sweet tea (x1gazillion), watching TV (too much of it), CHOCOLATE, anything tech, cooking/baking, and her kids! Born, raised and resides in the South. Fan of: Rob Lowe, Jason Bateman and John Stamos. A sci-fi, used-to-be girl gamer, lover of books, art and music. Has a passion for organizations that reflect her life's journey before and after kids (thus far): Domestic Violence/Battered Women, United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (UMDF), The Autism Society, MitoAction, Epilepsy Foundation, The Children's Heart Foundation, SPD Foundation, NORD/Global Genes and spreading autism ACCEPTANCE. She can be wickedly funny/witty - okay, sarcastic (in a good way of course) forever keeping us on our toes! But we love her ... anyway. She is a *dandelion mom*: beautiful, strong and resilient. Twitter: @OneAppyMama Facebook:


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