Spotlight On iParent.TV
58 percent of 10- to 12-year-old kids believe they know how to hide their online activities from their parents.
This is a pretty unsettling statistic! As a busy parent, business owner, wife, friend, daughter, etc., etc., it can be difficult to always stay on top of all the tech advances. Recently I heard about an amazing new site that is going to be launched this coming July that will help aid parents stay on top of all the tech gadgets, websites, apps that are now available. I know my own young daughter, when given a choice will choose to watch a show on the iPad vs. the television. It is a new world with all these technological advances and one most parents weren’t raised in so having a website that provides this much needed information about gadgets and apps that might be useful for our children or even websites sounds like a wonderful idea to me. Here is some information about iParentTV and how you can get involved in their Indiegogo campaign.
What is iParent.TV?
If kids are awake, they are probably on a smartphone, in front of a smart TV, downloading apps, or posting to social networks. And most likely parents have no idea what they are doing. Founded by author, pastor and father Craig Gross, iParent.TV is a yearly, subscription-based website for teaching and informing parents on all things tech, mobile, devices, websites and apps for kids. The site is currently in development and expected to launch in July 2014.
The Problem. Most parents don’t have an inside track to tech or social media dangers, let alone how to safeguard their kids against them.
58 percent of 10- to 12-year-old kids believe they know how to hide their online activities from their parents.
46 percent of kids said they would change their online behavior if they knew their parents were paying attention.
Introducing iParent.TV.
iParent.TV is designed to keep parents ahead of the tech curve. It will help parents understand, get involved and safeguard their children in the ever-evolving tech world. iParent.TV educates parents with all the latest trends via websites, social media, apps and devices.
The idea. It started with a group of dads who felt like their 9 year olds knew more about tech than they did. They were right. But their idea will help change that forever for all parents. Once launched, iParent.TV will have hundreds of videos and product reviews that are current, cutting edge and trending, keeping parents who subscribe ahead of the tech curve.
How it will work? iParent.TV will be a subscription-based site costing $49 per year for parents to access videos, reviews, how-tos, and live chat support. It will be the largest website on the Internet helping parents understand what’s safe and what’s not in the world of tech. The founders of iParent.TV are currently raising funds through Indiegogo, offering interested individuals the opportunity to become early adopters with special subscription rates through mid-March. The website is scheduled to officially launch in July 2014.
Indiegogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/
Website: https://www.iparent.tv
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iParentTV
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/
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