Tech :: CordCruncher Earbud Headphones
When my *pink* CordCruncher Earbud Headphones arrived I had this huge smile on my face. It was like someone had just given me tickets to a theme-park with a gift card! I pulled them out of their easy packaging and my daughter stopped what she was doing and behold the *pink* CordCruncher allure drew her in. “What are those?” “Who are they for?” “Can I touch them?” “What do they do?” To what eventually became “can I have them?” … let me just say this – I.LOVE.THEM! the end (kidding … read on)
I am prone to throwing my headphones into whatever bag I have with me or squishing them up in my hand and putting them in a jacket pocket or even winding them around my iOS device or shucking them somewhere in the car (glove box/middle seat holder/above my head sunglass box – NOT made for cords box I should say *lol*) anywhere and everywhere. I am the crazy lady sitting in the corner unraveling her hot mess of tangled electronic cords trying to figure out HOW something can knot up so easily and yet take so long to undo. It’s exasperating and after some time the cords stay slightly bent looking or get nicks in them and the quality suffers.
I have now found something that keeps this from happening. The cords are actually housed in an elastic sleeve (it’s squishy and rubbery and I like it). This protects the cords and keeps them from becoming a mess and getting all tangled. It also allows me (or you) to customize the length of the cord (depending on what I am doing or using them with this is an added bonus – or if my daughter takes them from me she obviously doesn’t need the same length as I do). It’s called a “Cord Management System” and it works by retracting the cord into a compact, folded form during storage, while permitting full length extension during use (I’ve only ever pulled them all the way out a few times – just playing around with them to see how I could get them back in, because I just knew that would be an epic fail on my behalf *lol*). Sometimes you may need one cord longer than the other – you’re able to manage that – no need to pull them both out if you don’t want to (this seems to be more of a favorite way to use them for my digital-head daughter who is in love with the *pink* did I tell you they were *PINK*)! Oh and we both enjoy wrapping them around our wrists. For me it’s an easy way to keep them on me and not start asking “have you seen my CordCruncher” and for her she enjoys bracelets and hair bands and anything else she can wrap around her wrist or her brother *ha-ha*. It’s quite nifty and when you’re at the “Y” and you’re in a hurry with no bag or pockets it makes it a lot easier to manage/keep on your person. Plus, they’re so light and comfortable I usually forget I have them on. (I don’t see myself setting a new trend but you never know….I mean the colors are F.U.N and bright it could be a new fashion-statement or at least something tweens/teens and young adults would do in my opinion – note to self I am older than my mind allows me to know I am so I won’t totally freak-out on myself).
When all is said and done and you’re ready to put them away it’s as simple as 1-2-3. You just pull the sleeve back over the excess cord length – sounds weird and it’s hard to explain but it is REALLY SIMPLE. I was doing it and did not even realize I was doing it (yup, that easy and that mystifying). I sat there playing with it like a new puppy. Of course my daughter had to try it as well (she’s six – almost seven she reminds me) and had absolutely no issues doing this simple task either. She’s even offered when she’s with me and I remove them to “pinch them up” for me as she calls it (my son wants to take them completely apart and explore how and why this is working – so I keep them away from him – the *pink-ness* does not deter him *lol*).
I did have another great surprise with the CordCruncher Earbud Headphones and that was that they actually fit my ears! I tend to run on the smaller end it seems for ear-holes (is that proper terminology to use here without sounding … well you get the idea *lol*) however, I’ve not had to worry about them falling out or hurting. They’re super comfortable and again, they fit my daughter (and my son – and they’ve never been able to use headphones/ear buds for this reason ~ pretty much the same as me – our ear holes are small – even smaller than the tiny little ones you can buy and replace – just ask their pediatrician who quips about it to this day and their ENT when they both received tubes and then within the last year had to dig one out of the girl!) – again, the fit was not something I was expecting and only endeared me even more to them. I don’t see really any difference in how or why these fit better than others so perhaps it has something to do with the comfort or being able to handle/control the length of the cord ourselves? All I know is I love them – my daughter loves them … and they’re *PINK* (that’s her favorite color at the moment… although if they had arrived in green, blue or any of the other shades offered by CordCruncher I am sure she would say that was currently her favorite color). They do come with extra flanges by-the-way so you can change the size of the earbud accordingly for fit and comfort. The CordCruncher can go from 16 inches to 3.5 feet! and comes in the standard 3.5mm jack.
One drawback I have is that I get so used to wearing / having on the CordCruncher Earbud Headphones that I will use them with my phone. I’ll be driving down the road and a call comes in while listening to some music singing my heart out (yes, I am that lady beside you belting it out at the red light only you can’t hear me sing off-key) or walking through a store zoned out to my tunes (and much more)! I answer the phone and say “hellllooooo” and then I hear YOU say “HELLO!” and I can hear you just fine – crystal clear like super clear but *oops* there is no mic for you to hear me … I tend to do this a lot (I’m yelling hysterically and holding the phone up high to the right or left then to my mouth and people are looking at me and my kids walk away *ROFL* … yes, that was ME!) and I apologize profusely to those that call me; I am not ignoring you! I’m just in a pink haze listening to P!NK wearing my *pink* CordCruncher Earbud Headphones and just know I will call you back AFTER I “pinch up” my CordCruncher‘s and throw them in any ol’ thing without worry or wrap them around my wrist knowing that I have found the ultimate TANGLE-FREE earbud headphones out there! Goodbye hot mess crazy tangled cord lady and hello CordCruncher tangle-free lady! **I have found out that there are MIC’D CordCruncher Buds available. These are *NEW* and come in various colors. I plan on purchasing a pair real soon and handing over the *pink* CordCruncher Earbud Headphones to my daughter. It’s a win.win for us both**
I recommend CordCruncher whether you’re a massive “tangler” like me (clarification: WAS … just say no to tangles and get you a pair of these) or just in the market for some great mid-range priced earbuds/headphones. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed and you’ll actually enjoy knowing that you can golf, exercise, drive, walk, lounge-around and just about anything else without the worry or hassle of having your cords become interlaced. They also make a great gift for any age (especially since they’re available with the mic now *woo.hoo*)!!!
CordCruncher website
CordCruncher Facebook
CordCruncher Twitter
Cost: CordCruncher Headphones $24.99 and CordCruncher Mic’d Buds $29.99
Shipping: Domestic and International
How-To Crunch: video/demo