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Inspirational Mom :: Shelly Ehler of Show No Towels




You know when you come across a product and think “I wish I had thought of that!”  Well, that is how I felt when I came across the very clever idea that Shelly Ehler created with her Show No Towels.  You might have seen her on ABC’s Shark Tank last year where she pitched her idea and business.  Or possibly seen her talking on TV or on the radio about how Disney Resorts is now offering her towels with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.  Talk about hitting the jackpot idea! I met Shelly at one of Tory Johnson’s Spark & Hustle events and we spoke a moment about her experience on Shark Tank as I have been trying to get my courage up to apply to the show!  She tells us more about the inspiration behind her invention and offers some tips for other moms looking to pitch a product!

What was the inspiration behind creating your wonderful product and company?

I was at the pool with my 2 sons and when it was time to leave and they wanted to change into their dry clothes, my oldest son asked me to make him a “tent” (to hold his towel around him so he could change without being seen).  While I was holding his “tent” my younger son wanted me to hold his “tent” and I couldn’t hold two tents at the same time!  I wished there were something I could put over them that would allow them to change on their own while staying covered.  That night I slept on it and the idea just shot out at me!  I figured if I put a slit in a towel, it could be worn as a poncho and would cover their front and backs allowing them to change while staying covered.  Then the name shot out at me… It’s a changing towel… It’s a poncho… It’s a ShowNo!



What was it like presenting your product on Shark Tank?  What are some tips you could offer a mom looking to market her product(s)?

Presenting on Shark Tank was the most terrifying thing I have ever done. I knew that if I messed up, I would blow my chance of getting an investment and could look like a complete fool on national TV.  Insane amount of pressure!!!

I would tell a mom looking to market her product that in order to market it properly, you must be passionate about it.  Your passion comes thru in your marketing.  If there is any doubt or fear, that comes thru as well.  Believe in your product.  Believe in yourself.  See yourself succeeding and you will!


What are some things you do to keep home and work life balanced?

It’s not easy and as the mother of two young boys, it is one of my biggest challenges, but the best thing I have found to keep me balanced is meditation.  I start my morning with a 10 – 20 min meditation and that starts my day on the right foot.  I see a major difference in the days I don’t take the time to get quiet.  Having that time allows me to connect with my spirit and my day just flows much smoother when I am connected and feel guided.


I also have a “board meeting” with myself every morning before my family wakes up.  I go over what needs to be done and prioritize my day.


Any news you want to share with dandelion moms?

I wholesale towels (in case packs of 12) to moms who are looking to make some extra money selling towels this spring / summer.  Contact for more details.


I am also available as a speaker and work with many women’s and church groups. You can read more about Shelly and her fantastic invention here.

FUN! ABC’s Shark Tank has an open call going on right now across the country!  Check their listings to see if they will be in your city!



A Giveaway!

We have two Show No Towels to hand out to some lucky dandelion moms to enjoy. Winners can choose the design they like off of the Show No website. Good luck! Retails for $19.95 each.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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