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Thinking Outside the Box with a Mother’s Day DIY Party


Image courtesy of Catch My Party



While no one is mistaking Mother’s Day for other holidays around this time such as St. Patrick’s or Easter, it really should be a more special day than it is. I’m not sure about anyone else, but I take all that my mom has done for me for granted. While we may tell our mother that we love her and appreciate everything she’s done for us (including giving us the chance to live!) To show your mother that you truly care, why not throw her and her friends a DIY party especially for her?!


Marvelous Mommies An easy way to decide who to invite is to invite your mom and all her friends. While she probably keeps in touch with all her friends via telephone or email, she probably doesn’t get to actually see them or spend time with them (at least not all together at once) very often. Since Mother’s Day always falls on a Sunday, why not try to fit this special occasion in on Sunday afternoon? It doesn’t have to be a huge event with all sorts of fancy party banners or party favors, maybe just some plastic utensils for appetizers and plastic cups for drinks are all you need! Here are some ideas that’ll give everyone a good time and without a bunch of money spent.


Live Newsletter To start off this celebratory bash, have a live newsletter of sorts where mother’s stand up and talk about their personal lives, talk about the news in their lives, kids, husbands, and anything else that may be going on! It’ll be a chance for everyone to find out what is going on in each other’s lives and potentially a bit of gossiping.


Reminiscent Rumor-Rousing A really fun activity that you can try that includes all the mommies is called Hat Hecklers. Write down funny questions and place them in a hat to be drawn. These questions can be playfully revealing or recalling funny memories from the past, or whatever else you think might garner up some laughs! How it works is everyone passes around the hat, each pulling out a single question. Go around the room clockwise and give everyone a chance to read their question and answer.  



Image courtesy of Catch My Party


Plant/Flower Exchange Since it is officially springtime, arrange a Secret Santa-type activity by having each mom bring a cutting of their favorite plant. If they don’t have a cutting of their own, they can bring a purchased plant. Don’t have them spend more than $5-10 for it though. Have moms exchange these cuttings so that they can grow and add some new plants to their plots!



For Moms from Kids   This is a potential party favor to give to mommies, but could also be something you give to your mother outside of the party setting. It’s sort of like a timeline of your greatest memories with your mother. There are various layers to this card, as you can see 7 layers in the picture above. Dedicate each layer to a special moment you shared with your mom. If you have pictures to copy and paste into layers, that is even better!



Mother and her daughters, all those years ago...
Mother and her daughters, all those years ago…


A Mother’s Day party will be an absolute blast for everyone involved. It’s a way to dedicate an entire party to your mother and her friends as well as a fun social in general. If you have other ideas for a Mother’s Day party, let’s chat about them in the comments below!


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.


  • Kelly

    I love the idea of a flower/plant exchange! What a perfect way to add variety to a garden. I also love that little book that kids can make for their mom sharing all the ways of why they love them. Great ideas!! Thanks for sharing at How To Tuesday!

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