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Unique Easter Egg Coloring Ideas

Easter and springtime is one of my favorite times of the year.  When I was a child, we would spend hours decorating our Easter eggs in hopes that the Easter bunny would like them.  One of my favorite memories – and one I still laugh about today – is the one where my younger brother and I walked down the stairs on Easter morning only to find that our standard poodle, Max, had gotten into our baskets filled with candy.  The chocolate was all over the carpet and pieces of candy wrappers were strewn throughout the house.  Upon seeing this my brother who was around four years old at that time starts crying and screaming “Max ate the Easter Bunny!”  My mother had to assure him that the Easter bunny had escaped through the sliding glass door.  Our family still laughs about this story! This year we plan to try out some different decorating ideas such as the chalk painted ones you see below or the fabric covered eggs.  Most of these ideas won’t take too long to prepare for and will definitely be a hit at your neighborhood or family Easter egg hunt!  Happy decorating!



Chalkboard Easter Eggs:

I just love how chalkboard is the rave at the moment!  We painted three of our doors throughout the house in a gorgeous teal chalkboard paint and use these doors frequently to write silly notes to each other!  This idea from Lisa Moorefield is genius!  She provides a tutorial on how to make chalkboard Easter eggs here.






DIY LEGO Easter Eggs:

This is a fun idea from It’s Always Autumn and she provides a free printable on her site.  To download the printable and see how to make these fun LEGO Easter eggs go to It’s Always Autumn.





Fabric-covered Easter Eggs:

This is a really fun idea from Alisa Burke where she uses scraps of fabric and glues them onto plastic Easter eggs. Then at the top she makes little flowers out of the fabric and adds some pretty beads.  To learn how to make these sweet Easter eggs go to Alisa Burke.





Abstract Gold Leaf Easter Eggs:

These eggs are so cool!  Dream A Little Bigger provides a  step by step tutorial on her site here.





Bejeweled Eggs:

These are just gorgeous!  The crafter at Craft Ideas said they do take a little patience to make but the results are so pretty!  If you use plastic eggs you can have them around every year!  To read how to make your own go to Craft Ideas.





Glow-in-the-Dark Eggs:

I can bet you $5 bucks my daughter will want to do this one!  What a fabulous idea from Growing a Jeweled Rose.  She uses glow-in-the-dark paint and provides a tutorial here.





Chirp Chirp:

This one was really sweet so I wanted to include it – plus it is really easy to make!  Just cut out the little beck and wing from any scrap paper you might have around and viola – it is finished!  To read how to make your own go to Craft Gossip.





 Disney-inspired Minnie Mouse Eggs:

We are all about Disney these days and just fell in love with these polka dotted Easter Eggs.  They are really easy to make – just add some small dot stickers prior to putting them in the dye and that’s it!  Read more on Spoonful.






Abstract Eggs:

I love this idea from Obviously Sweet!  She just used a black marker pen and colored the hardboiled eggs in different patterns.  I might be using some of her ideas next week when we start decorating real eggs.  To read how to make your own go to Obviously Sweet.


What is your favorite Easter Egg decorating idea?



Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.


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