Dwell :: Spring Clean For Your Health
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As a mother, I know nothing is more important than the health of my family, so it’s imperative to prevent illness and injuries before they occur. We still have the guard rails up at the bottom of the stairs from when my daughter was a baby. Now we use it to keep our dinosaur dog from going upstairs! The American Osteopathic Association (AOA), which represents the nation’s more than 82,000 osteopathic physicians, or DOs, encourages us to set aside a few hours during one weekend this spring to take steps toward making our home a healthier place. I know we have old medicines we no longer need and definitely need to make sure our emergency kit is filled with necessities. My daughter went through a period of time where she loved opening the Band-Aids and fabric bandages so I believe we need to restock it – just in case! Here are some tips from The American Osteopathic Association to help get you started on spring cleaning your home.
The American Osteopathic Association suggests starting with a weekend checklist:
· On Friday, schedule appointments you’ve been putting off with your primary care physician or specialist. Make a list of questions, including those about medications, vitamins and supplements, physical activity, and diet.
· Set aside time on Saturday to tackle household chores that will help make your home a cleaner, safer, and healthier place. Clean out the medicine cabinet and dispose of old medications and other expired products safely. Replace filters in heating and cooling systems, like your furnace. Wash window screens to remove pollen and mold, and vacuum or wash window treatments.
· Spend Sunday purchasing supplies or products needed to maintain a safe and healthy environment in your home, including medicines, first aid supplies, and sunscreen. Also consider purchasing plant-based cleaning products or making your own cleaning products to help minimize asthma or allergy symptoms.
Visit the official American Osteopathic Association PSA,
For a “Spring Cleaning for Your Health” weekend checklist and more information on ways to make your home a healthier place, please visit their website.
0Do you have a set time during the year you do a Spring Cleaning in your home?