The APMA “First Steps” Campaign Helps Keep Kids’ Feet Healthy and Happy
Did you know that April was Foot Health Awareness Month? I love how each month there is some type of awareness campaign! But I do like to talk about feet – let me tell you why! When I was in second grade, our neighbor noticed that I was walking pigeon toed and mentioned this to my mother. It just so happened that her husband was a podiatrist so he checked out my feet. He recommended that my mother put saddle shoes on my feet at night (on opposite feet) to help fix this problem. I do remember that it hurt but I am so thankful that the problem was addressed early on. I still take my foot health seriously and try to stay away from heels (except when only necessary -like for a fancy event) or shoes that don’t support my high arch. Some of my favorite brands that will make your feet happy are Mempisto’s and Born. Both of these companies make really cute boots and sandals and though they can be a bit pricey – they last forever! I mean forever! So you youngsters out there – I promise you – try to think about long-term foot health when picking out shoes for you and your family. I mean, did anyone else feel bad for Steven Tyler of Aerosmith (just Google Steven Tyler’s feet to see what I mean) when he was walking around on the American Idol stage?! He could barely walk because his feet were so messed up! Granted he is a rock star (I wish) but taking care of one’s feet should be a priority when choosing shoes.
Now that summer is approaching and kids will be in sandals, it the perfect time to learn more about the importance of maintaining children’s foot health at all stages of development. Don’t let a child’s foot pain stop them in their tracks. Today’s podiatrist is an expert on the complex structure of the foot and ankle. They can provide guidance for keeping children’s feet healthy, and treat any injuries or abnormalities. Treating conditions early and quickly will help get kids moving and back on their feet.
Picking Shoes Out For Your Children:
Pain-free feet are the first step in making sure children stay active and healthy. That’s why APMA has developed the “First Steps” campaign, an online resource providing tools and information for parents. Here you’ll find brochures and YouTube videos showing parents how to read the “silent signs” of children’s foot pain. There are even helpful tips you can use when shopping for kids shoes. Remember, selecting proper footwear is key! Make sure your child’s footwear passes the “1-2-3 Test” with this helpful tip sheet. My daughter has complained about her feet hurting for a couple months now and I just thought they were growing pains. I plan to use these tips when picking out her next pair of running shoes.
Dr. Megan Leahy Provides Insight to Proper Foot Health:
.As a former Division I collegiate runner, Dr. Megan Leahy suffered many foot injuries, but was able to return to competition thanks to her own podiatrist. This inspired Dr. Leahy to become a podiatrist herself, and fostered a genuine sensitivity to the needs of her patients. Dr. Leahy’s expertise has led to features in magazines such as Fitness, Self, and Women’s Health. We had a chance to interview Dr. Leahy about how she became involved with the APMA’s “First Steps” Campaign and what parents can do to make sure their children have healthy and happy feet.
- How did you become involved in the APMA’s “First Steps” campaign and why do you feel it is so important for parents to be conscious of their children’s foot health? It has been an honor to serve on the APMA’s Communications Committee where I became involved in the “First Steps” campaign. Children’s foot health is of the utmost importance. Several conditions are easily treated when detected early, but become more challenging as time progresses. Awareness of common conditions and preventative measures will serve your child well and hopefully lead to happy healthy feet.
- As a child, I had feet that turned in and had to wear saddle shoes at night (on the opposite foot) to help repair this. What changes have you seen in in the last 20 or 10 years when it comes to foot health? Twenty years ago, baby’s first shoes used to be rigid oxford type shoes. We now know that little walkers are better served with a very flexible shoe to allow proper development of bones and joints. However, rigid shoes are still used when treating a deformity, such as in your case.
- What are some recommendations you can offer for parents to ensure they are looking for the right things when it comes to their babies feet? Frequent tripping, limping, difficulty reaching milestones, in-toeing, out-toeing, and excessive toe walking are all signs that something may be wrong. Bring these concerns to an APMA Podiatrist for proper assessment and treatment. Examine your baby’s skin and nails for abnormalities such as rashes and infections. An inconsolable baby should be inspected for “hair tourniquets” on their appendages, particularly their tiny fingers and toes–seek immediate care if a tiny toe appears pale, blue, or bright red.
- Any news you would like to share with our dandelion moms? Visit APMA.org for the latest tips for your child’s foot health. Prior to walking, try to avoid “crib shoes.” While we all admit they are adorable, they can restrict normal motion. Well fitted socks are a better choice or warm booties when the weather dictates.
Want to help raise awareness? Here are a few ways you can get involved:
- Share information about foot health with your friends and family, Twitter followers, and Facebook friends.
- Encourage your friends and family to visit www.apma.org/firststeps to schedule a visit with a podiatrist and to learn more.
- Tweet about it! Use #FirstSteps to share this information.
- Checkout First Steps on Pinterest www.pinterest.com/theapma for even more information related to children’s foot health.
0Do you tend to think about comfort or style when choosing shoes for yourself?