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Must-Have: Younique … Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes

For about a year now, I’ve seen friends or friends of friends posting on social media regarding “Younique” makeup. Mainly, their Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes” mascara. I’ve been curious and clicked on the links and read from reviews to testimonials. So when I had a chance recently to try it out – okay, I begged *lol* I was skipping around the house anxiously awaiting the arrival. Let me explain why:
A couple years ago I noticed if I didn’t wear mascara that my long, thick beautifumous lashes were no more (hangs head in shame). I can and do go days without makeup (maybe a little powder and/or lip gloss – that’s it) and I’m fine with that. I can remember a time, however, when that was not the case (ahhh, being young and not letting a soul see me step foot outside of my door without makeup – no way) … my how times have changed. Anyway, I can be a bit of a frugal person on some items – so, a couple years ago I picked up some cheap mascara (it looked the same as my normal department store brand only several-several dollars less and for as often as I wore it I was comfortable with that). Until I put it on. It was like I didn’t put any on and that would have been fine if I still had the lashes I once did. Somewhere deep down I felt I still did have those lashes only it took a cheap discounted/discontinued brand to prove me wrong. I went on a quest after that. I don’t like my lashes to look clumpy so a lot of times I will still purchase the clear gel mascara (that was popular for a short-time during my late teens/mid-20’s) and again, I’m not 24 anymore (or 14) I know I know right *wah*!
Every picture I would see of a friend or in a magazine I studied the eyes – mainly, the mascara. “Oh no, it’s glompy” or “ewww chil’ that’s too much” I just wanted to somehow find something that would accentuate what I’ve mainly felt happened to be my best feature … my eyes. They’re not blue or green, just ol’ brown eyes, however, I’ve been complimented on them always (I guess that’s the nice thing to say to someone when you have nothing else *haha*) Seriously though, I look at both of my kids and see their long and luxurious lashes and they didn’t get them from their daddy in our case. So it was around this time that Younique really ‘caught my eye.’ I would watch the videos and say to myself “I need THAT” not want – need!
Let me jump ahead because I could spend a ton of time talking about it and the videos, but I have to say right out front: it’s true! It’s one hundred percent awesome and does what it claims to do and I’m sold! From pictures of friends using it to me. Younique “Moodstruck 3D Fiber  Lashes‘ is like the holy grail for women who want and/or need to boost their lashes (which I’ve come to realize happens to most of us after a certain age – ahhh, midlife thanks for that too *lol*).
Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes Kit ($30 value)
Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes Kit ($30 value)
I’m going to go straight into the various ways I’ve used the Younique “Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes” as you’ve most likely seen videos and online parties hosted by friends at this point. I’ve had it for a little over a week now. It’s water-resistant, BUT it washes off super easily – easier than ANY other mascara and I mean ANY (from water-resistant to NOT) I was really shocked at how easily and cleanly it came off. There was no lasting residue to contend with the next morning after cleaning my face the previous night (if I didn’t forget – yea, I’m bad sometimes haha).
It comes in a beautiful carrying case that holds the two products (vials/tubes) that make up the Younique “Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes“: the long tube is the ‘transplanting gel‘ and the shorter tube the ‘fiber lashes‘ *squeal* It sounds daunting or you’re picturing it that way. Don’t. That’s what took me almost a year to get on this bandwagon. In the last week I have watched more videos and talked to my fabulous friend, Nicole, who is a Younique Makeup Presenter/Host. She has answered every question I could have thought of and more before I asked. She gave me tips and I used them. I experimented around with the ideas she gave me and the main one “practice or try until you find what you’re comfortable with for you” and she’s right. I feel I now have an everyday look to an evening out look. Plus, it doesn’t take me anymore time than regular mascara since I was having to use several heavy-handed coats to get a nice consistency for an evening out. (It’s been only a little over a week, but I can’t imagine not having or using this as one of my day-to-day items in some way – I’m hooked!) I’m going to give the basics of the ways I’ve tried/experimented with.
one-coat department store brand mascara
one-coat department store brand mascara
The main video on how to wear and use Younique “Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes” says to apply your regular mascara first. Do NOT put it on like you’re wearing wearing it – put on a light ONE coat application (for me, that’s one quick thin coat up *bam* – and nothing more) before starting with the kit. *Also I recommend loosening the tops of the tubes before you start. I’ve found that the thin layer of regular mascara (from cheap to more expensive department store brands did not matter) it’s just a base.
one-coat Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes
one-coat Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes
I start with one eye and as soon as I do my quick layer I then pull out my ‘transplanting gel‘ stick and coat my lashes both top and bottom and put it back in the tube and straight away grab the ‘fiber lashes‘ stick and coat on the same eye while the transplanting gel is still wet (this is a must). You’ll notice a difference right away – heck, even when you put on the transplanting gel you’ll notice a difference. At least I did. The thing is, I look at this as layering. I have learned to ‘stop’ and to not keep piling it on. That’s important and keeps me from having to use a plain dry lash brush if that does happen (which is no different than having any mascara and I did have several of these brushes laying around as backups just for that reason). Next, I repeat the process on my other eye. When I’m done with that eye I finish the process by adding the ‘transplanting gel‘ back over the first eye. This helps seal in the fiber lashes whereas the first time it was to help them ‘catch/stay on’ – now it sets – unless you want to layer even more dramatically then you would add the transplanting gel, the fiber lashes straight away move on to next eye and then set with the transplanting gel (you always end with the transplanting gel – both eyes) ~ when you finish one eye move on to the next (simple). I’m not as heavy-handed with my bottom lashes (I’m over 40 and we’ll leave it at that – if going out I will use the fiber lashes lightly – as my bottom lashes have held up better than my top over the years). This is more of the look I go for if I am going out for the evening whether it’s dinner with friends or a special friend. Sometimes, I will curl my lashes before starting as well. (I’ve played with regular curling or heating my curling wand with a blow dryer to determine how much curl/oomph I want.) I may be different than others, but mascara is my ending point in makeup – it means ‘tah-dah’ I am done. All my other makeup is on and I’m ready to go.
top left with 3D Fiber Lashes / top right - none and bottom both eyes completed 3D
top left with 3D Fiber Lashes / top right – none and bottom both eyes completed 3D
I’ve done the above without a layer of regular mascara as well. To me or on me it looks just as good but not as vavoom or dramatic. This is more of the look I get when I’m going out with my kids for the evening and still want to look lovely, but not in the way where I look like I’m out to have a good time with my friends (again, I’m over 40 *lol* I cannot repeat that enough). I’ve also found that I like the look of just wearing the ‘transplanting gel‘ by itself too. If I have to get up and take the kids to a doctor appointment or shopping for back-to-school and I want to look natural but nice and not all made up then I’ll either put on my regular mascara first and follow it with the ‘transplanting gel‘ or I’ll just put on the ‘transplanting gel‘ and off I go and I like it. I like it a lot. I feel like the ‘transplanting gel‘ is setting my lashes and giving them depth and thickness and in my mind conditioning and nourishing them at the same time. I’m not selling that – I’m just saying it’s how it makes me feel. And I feel beautiful with it that way. It works for me. You may prefer to only use for evenings out and not every day in so many various uses. I have as I stated previously have come to love this product and it’s going to be one of my normal ‘you’ll always find this in my bag of miracles go-to everyday products’ from here on out.
Presenter Kit (value $300 ~ only $99)
Presenter Kit (value $300 ~ only $99)
That leads me to say that Younique sells other makeup products. I haven’t had the opportunity to use them, but if their ‘Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes has shown me anything it’s that they know what they’re doing. So, to me internally that speaks volumes and I’m sure the other products are just as good/great. With that being said, Nicole, my fabulous friend, has a current online Facebook party that she is hosting right now. For anyone that makes a purchase you will be entered into raffle to win a free lip gloss (value of $15 not counting s&h). Also, if you’re interested in hosting your very own Younique Facebook party, contact Nicole and she’ll set it up for you and you just invite your friends. It’s a great way to earn free products after your friends purchase some amazing products. Or maybe you’re interested in becoming a Younique representative/host and again, Nicole can help you out there. She’s offering a great promotion for the first person that signs up to become a presenter: only $99 for $400 worth of product and she is throwing in $50 free makeup of your choice She’s helped me a lot the last few days – and that in and of itself says a lot (I need all the help I can get when it comes to makeup *haha*)
Thanks to Nicole, we’re also giving away one of the Younique “Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes” kits (value of $30) so make sure you enter! Even if you don’t win, I highly recommend this product! This isn’t a fashion fad – this is one that is here to stay. I’m a fan and it takes a lot for a makeup product to do that for me (as I bat my long, thick, and sexy lashes).
Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes
Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes
And, yes, I’ve updated my section below and of course I’m wearing the Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Charly is a divorced SAHM of two kids (varying SN). She loves sweet tea (x1gazillion), watching TV (too much of it), CHOCOLATE, anything tech, cooking/baking, and her kids! Born, raised and resides in the South. Fan of: Rob Lowe, Jason Bateman and John Stamos. A sci-fi, used-to-be girl gamer, lover of books, art and music. Has a passion for organizations that reflect her life's journey before and after kids (thus far): Domestic Violence/Battered Women, United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (UMDF), The Autism Society, MitoAction, Epilepsy Foundation, The Children's Heart Foundation, SPD Foundation, NORD/Global Genes and spreading autism ACCEPTANCE. She can be wickedly funny/witty - okay, sarcastic (in a good way of course) forever keeping us on our toes! But we love her ... anyway. She is a *dandelion mom*: beautiful, strong and resilient. Twitter: @OneAppyMama Facebook:


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