Garden :: Fabulous Ideas to Transform Your Backyard – Large or Small!
They say fall is a great time for planting in your garden bulbs and seeds to enjoy come springtime. While doing this, why not freshen up your backyard for the fall and winter months? If you live in California you are probably hoping for some cool weather as we are all suffering through 90 degree days. Trust me – it’s awful (especially when your AC isn’t working properly). I have been on a quest to de-clutter and redecorate our home these past few months and I consider our back area part of our home that needs to be redone! So while I am working on decluttering and getting some help to clean it up, I have been scouring daily for Pinterest ideas and have found some DIY projects we plan to incorporate. So join us at dandelion moms and let’s beautify our backyards this fall season!
DIY Comfy Side Sofa:
This would make such a great reading nook for you and the kids! Especially if you have a covered patio area, it can be enjoyed throughout the fall and if weather permits, winter months. Tutorial found on Apartment Therapy.
Odds and Ends:
I like the whole bohemian style for several reasons. One, because it is interesting to look at – there are usually so many colorful and unique pieces included in this style of décor and 2) because it is usually designed with odds and ends – you have the freedom to mix and match as you wish which usually doesn’t break the bank. Idea found Bohemian Romance.
Add in what you already have:
This is another example of a bohemian style backyard. Love all the interesting textiles – from the seating to rugs. More fun ideas on Prudent Home.
Add Some Light:
This is s a great patio area designed by the blogger over at Southern State of Mind. Love all the stripes and color! And the planted posts filled with interesting plants. I plan to plant a few Gardena’s as they prefer to be potted apparently (per our new gardener) and a lemon tree! Add in some of your favorites. Read more on Southern State of Mind Blog.
Build Your Own Sectional:
I have seen this tutorial and only wish either my husband or I were more crafty. But she does a really good job of simplifying it for us! Plus it cost her only $130 and her time. Now that is a bargain!Instructions found on Hometalk.
Add in some Texture:
I love this idea! Just take some inexpensive terra cotta pots and add some fun with some rope. She even painted the rope a pretty blue to add more interest. Instructions found on Hometalk.
Succulents Always Delight:
I am such a fan of succulents because they are really tough and durable and there are so many interesting varieties. I love it when a succulent blooms in the summer – such a nice surprise! This is a beautiful succulent wreath you could hang from your front door or from a tree branch in your backyard. Tutorial found on Hometalk.
Involve the Whole Family:
I think this is one of my favorite ideas I came across. This is Bonnie Cashin’s backyard. She was an American fashion designer (1915-2000) decorated the walls in her living spaces with large painted squares emblazoned with inspirational words written in marker. What a cool way to involve the kids! If you have a fence that could be painted, why not add some fun colors and have everyone write some of their favorite quotes, stories or silly words? Found on Coletterie.
Tips for Decorating:
Not sure where to start? Check out the designer tips from Landscape designer Julie Moir Messervy. She offers tips for expanding living space beyond your door. Great advice found on USA Today.
What does your dream backyard look like?