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The New Information Gap Catching Couples and Singles Off-Guard

Photo courtesy of Flickr

Dandelion Moms creator, Melissa Northway, and I have known each other for a few years, having met through our work as storybook app authors who have a soft spot for pirate adventure.

When we touched base recently, we learned we have something even more important in common, we’re both committed to protecting our families and having things in order.

This year, Melissa lost her dear father and has had her hands full helping her mother sort out the logistics that followed his passing. She shared with me that her father handled most things about her parents’ household, so the learning curve was steep for her Mom.

This is so common! If you’re part of a couple, it’s normal to divide knowledge and responsibilities when managing a household. What we don’t realize though is just how much information we know, that our other half doesn’t, and the impact this “knowledge silo” has if one of you suddenly can’t give answers.

If you’re single, the impact is even greater because there is so much about your life that your family doesn’t know.

These “knowledge silos” can be a disaster in a crisis, when information needs to be shared quickly with family or friends so they can step in to handle a crisis.

Most people think that they have their affairs in order if they have a will or estate plan, not realizing that it’s the nitty-gritty details that can really trip up a family if the unexpected happens.

Knowledge Silos - the gap Survivorship Now


Cick here to watch a short video and this issue will be crystal clear!


Knowledge Silos image


For the past 10 years, Survivorship Now CEO, Kristi Curry, has helped people avoid leaving a mess for their families by helping them get their affairs in order. And she’s offered executor assistance, helping people clean up the mess they’ve been left with when someone passed without a plan.

Despite being in this business, she was left with a huge mess when her 50-year-old brother, Charlie, died suddenly in a car accident in 2012, without his affairs in order. They couldn’t find a will and Kristi had to be the one to untangle this mess and tell her teenaged nephew that there were no provisions made for his future. That put her on a mission to raise awareness of this issue!


Kristi and Charlie
Survivorship Now CEO, Krisit Curry and her brother, Charlie Curry


As Melissa said, “I know so many people who don’t put things in order.  Call me morbid, but I know from seeing what happens after working in my parent’s home health agency in high school through college what can happen if you don’t prepare.  We all are here for a short time really, but it is so important to leave your loved one’s taken care of!”

Recently Survivorship Now held a free webinar called “The New Information Gap Wreaking Havoc on Families and What to do about It.”  It’s a must-see for couples and singles.

Click here to watch the recording (it’s 50 minutes).

Click here to learn more about Survivorship Now and “Now and Then” Planning.


KarenRobertson.headshot.(c)-crop-Karen_Robertson-0320-Edit for FacebookAbout the Author:

Karen Robertson is the marketing director of Survivorship Now and the author of two award winning children’s digital books, multiple nonfiction books, a speaker and mother of two terrific teenagers.


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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