Putting the HAHAHA in the HOHOHO
The new/upcoming safety with style CUFF is a gift I wish were available now. I would love to give this to someone really close to me as I worry about her and I like the idea/concept. You can pre-order it now and let your loved one know it will be a late Christmas/Valentine’s Day/Birthday present as it won’t ship until March 2015 (but you heard it here first *lol*). Besides if you order now you’re saving in most cases a whopping 50% off!!! You can order the jewelry as single items (cuffs/pendants) and a charger or even lovely mirrored charging jewelry box or pick one of the three packages. Prices start at $29 (regularly $59) and go up depending on jewelry item or package – again this reflects the SALE price so lock those amounts in and save yourself some moula and piece of mind when your wife, mother, daughter, sister and so forth wear one or more of these charming and in-style jewelry pieces. They’ll be able to designate their “first responders” from one person to everyone on their Facebook by setting up their choice of: one press, double press, or triple press. Then CUFF will alert/SOS those designated until someone responds. Those that receive the SOS from the list chosen will receive: location, live audio, and other relevant information until you or your loved one/friend gets help!

CUFF will work with both iOS and Android and has a myriad of options to customize features to your/their liking and what’s important to you/them. Pretty clever … I sure think so and cannot wait until March 2015 when it starts shipping. Having a snazzy piece of jewelry that also is my own safety net in a way that nobody will realize is extremely brilliant (in my opinion)! *Compatible with Bluetooth 4/will stay charged for seven (7) days; works with iPhones 4s up and iOS 7 up, iPad 3-4/mini’s, iPod Touch 5, and all Androids 4.3 or later* Now that’s fashionable safety!!!
If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: CHOCOLATE *drool* I just *LOVE* chocolate!

Chuao Chocolatier has actually blown.my.mind on the many pairings and offerings that they have for those in your life that can’t choose between sweet or salty (and spicy plus more more more) and think that maple bacon or peppermint with chocolate is golden! Those are just a couple of varieties that they have available. I’m actually giggling with anticipation and excitement over the potato chip bar … I mean SERIOUSLY oh.em.gee … AND it’s MILK CHOCOLATE

*wow* how soon can it get here!!! Their site is easily laid out and easy to use: just hover your mouse over the item you’re interested in and it will tell you if it’s dark or milk then click to order ($6 or special offer: order 4 for $20). On the left side you can choose chocolate bars, chocolate sets, or chocopod (mini bars). At the top you have options for their gift guide, holiday, bonbons, bars, specialty, and drinking. Again, just hover your mouse over and a listing pops up to choose or just click to see the varieties listed for that section and peruse away. I personally think if you have a chocolate lover in your midst they’ll be delighted to try (just make sure you know their leaning: milk or dark … I prefer milk *hint.hint*)
Smencils. Need I say more? Really what a neat and fragrant gift or stocking stuffer! Actually there’s: Smencils, gourmet-scented pencils ($2.99 to $67.60); Smens, gourmet-scented pens ($2.99 to $75); Smanimals, gourmet-scented stuffed animals ($14.99); Smarkers, gourmet-scented felt tip markers ($9.99); Smickers, scratch and sniff stickers ($1.99 to $6.99); Smash Drives, scented flash drives ($14.99); and Sketch & Sniff, scented cover notebooks ($1.99 to $2.99). I know I know … I am guffawing over the names too! On the main page of Scent Co Inc‘s website you can scroll down and see their ‘Featured Products’ for the holiday ranging in price from $2.99 to $75 (depending on what and how many you’re looking for/at) and I know I’m going a little overboard on my stocking, errr … I mean my kids stockings! Head over to the main website and smell for yourself (did I mention they also do fundraisers! and have some combo packs available for the holiday too!!): https://scentcoinc.com/ or https://smencils.com/
What did the FOX say? I honestly don’t know but I like it *lol* and he has friends! Head over to Hazel Village and get your loved one (big or small) a hand-stitched organic lovey! Each *doll* has their own story and they’re as cute and adorable as the names: Flora, Owen, Reginald and Winter Water Factory Flora *FOX*; Nicholas, and Winter Water Factory Nicholas *BEAR* cub; Gwendolyn, Max, and Winter Water Factory Max *RACCOON*; Zoe, Emma, Penelope, and Lucas *RABBIT*; Catalina, Oliver, and Annicke *MOUSE*; Ella and Lewis *TOAD*; and Gracie *CAT*
(prices start at $39 and they even have dress-up box(es) starting at $72; or order individual outfits and even socks/shirts/other items starting $2 and up ~ along with other animals like Lucy *OWL*; Hazel Village offers specialty baby clothing, toys and workshop items ranging in price): https://hazelvillage.com/
Okay, so you have a man in your life and whether he’s your boyfriend, father, husband, son, or just a friend you’re stumped on what to get him. Maybe he hunts? Maybe he likes to hike and/or explore? Or then again you could even apply this to your daughter that loves to doodle or journal or even a girl friend that hikes … and so the list grows. I have run across not one but two small notebooks that have waterproof pages! Yes, waterproof paper/pages! I know! Maybe I’m just living under my pet rock (haha) but that is news to me! My daughter gets so upset if a drink spills a little or the condensation buildup (or on her hands) drips on her page … thus dissolving/making a mess of what she wrote or drew – this makes that obsolete (plus a ton of other scenarios). I’m going to list the links below along with a pencil from one of the companies too:
- Rite in the Rain journal polydura (4 5/8 x 7; $9.95; it is synthetic for extreme conditions and can actually be used under water): https://bit.ly/1ylol4Z
- ITS Embossed Field Notes (set of 3) waterproof expedition edition (3.5 x 5.5; $9.99 in stock; comes with golf pencil): https://bit.ly/1zjWmRK
- Rite in the Rain mechanical pencil (1.1mm; $10.95): https://bit.ly/1yloQMF
I’m getting a little carried away you say? Okay then. I’ll stop. KIDDING. I can’t. Stop that is. I’m enjoying this (too much). Here’s even more items for men/women/kids that are in the same frame of mind (from no reason to off the wall to nobody has that and so forth) for the hard-to-please to they already have everything to just plain “I knew you would love it can I have it/use it too” items. Seriously … are you not enjoying this as much as I am?!
Tälja/Tälja Jr Woodcarving Kits (the original is currently sold out although you can find them on other sites not just directly from Tälja in Sweden/same for Jr; Jr kit: 499kr = $66.29usd) these woodcarving kits are just awesome!

They come with two pieces of wood (and what you can make with each along with instructions), knife/case, oil, sandpaper, first aid (a band-aid just in case) along with the box to keep it all in. The Jr knife has double finger protection and is suitable for ages 6 to 14. Hopefully the original Tälja will be back in stock soon too. If you want to give someone you love something different this holiday season and that they can use all year-round to help relax and possibly unwind this may just be it! I’ve done my best with adjusting the price from krona to US dollars.
I’m not going to lie. I watched the videos for Campfire Cologne and wanted their products just.for.that.alone – S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y they are hysterical! If my dad was not deceased I could see myself getting this/these for him and he would *LOVE* them! Then again our sense of humor was (or is in my case) a little different than most. And don’t get me started on that vacation at the beach when I was … oh where was I! This would have been one of those “tongue-in-cheek” or “inside joke” gifts – for my dad *lol*. So just for him I had to list and because you may find it appealing, useful, and a great stocking stuffer (or actual gift – one of those elephant kind) for someone that just may need a cleansing *giggle* or you really know someone that does it regularly and so sage is ideal … for them.

Is there someone in your life that collects things? You know odds and ends or bottle caps? Maybe rocks? Who knows what. It could be little things or random things but they need something to hold them and secure them. My son falls into this category. He wants something different that will hold his special stuff (to him) in order for him to feel that if a huge storm hits all of those items will be safe. You have that in spades with The Strongbox “a safe place for small things” from Best Made Co.
By-the-way they make all sorts of neat things (my son was having a fit over some of their badges) – so make sure you poke around (because I wanted to list a LOT more than this). It’s the same specs as their best made front-loading toolbox and is more durable than most storage boxes of its kind. You can order it in their Famous Red or blue; both are made in the USA and emblazoned with their data plate (6″ for $28 and 9″ $36): https://bit.ly/1tFPyKr
Every time I talk about gift giving this one always comes up. I am a fan of Harry’s (razors). I like what they stand for

and the creators themselves (Warby Parker ~ eyewear). I won’t give you all the background this time around though. They have holiday gift sets starting at $15 (Truman) up to $30 (Winston) and you can get singles as well (if you don’t want a set) or if you have purchased previously and *oops* forgot about it then reorder some blades as a stocking stuffer or even get a winter essentials kit ($20). I admit it … I have a Winston and love it. I think the blades are amazing and I try to get a set for the men in my life on certain holidays. Which reminds me: I’m due to order my refills! Purchase directly from Harry’s (free US shipping on orders over $10; available US/Canada): https://www.harrys.com/
So you have some mini-me Minecraft fans running around the house?!?! Head over to ThinkGeek and see what they have: from t-shirts to jewelry to swords – even wrapping paper! And oh so much more … just too much to list; so I made it easy for you: https://bit.ly/11VYe84
Another fun and great stocking stuffer (for the kid in all of us) are the Mini Bendable Q-Man Magnets. There are a lot of different versions available online at Amazon; however, I’m listing the main link here as it has prime (a set of 4 $19.50 and set of 8 $30.50; colors may not be assorted based on two reviews). You can use them on filing cabinets, your fridge, or you may just end up playing with them (I mean your kids might *lol*): https://amzn.to/12wbnWj
Let me just say that it’s really hard for my son to tie his shoes. So if you’re not aware of Hickies you are now. They are an innovative way to NOT tie your shoes (adults and children) from regular to tight then loose and all sorts of colors (get different ones and mix and match). They have lacing techniques on their site and you can currently order some (as several are out-of-stock) for a sale price of $11.99/regularly $14.99 (they’re also available through Nordstrom and I’ve found them on Amazon too) but I’m directing you to their website so you can read about them, look at them, and then let them direct you to retailers or you can google if you’d prefer. Pricing does vary depending on where you purchase. Have fun with your kids experimenting and mixing Hickies together for you/other adults and same for Doohookies that your kids/or other children you may know – what ever will they think of next!
Ever opened a fortune cookie and wanted to keep it to share and read over and over or even a favorite quote, goal, prayer or something else that was important to you? Now you can! This is ingenious and unique: FortuneKeeper has bracelets, necklaces, keychains, and more that you’re able to store/save whatever motto, fortune, or something that’s inspirational/sentimental to you rather than sticking it on your PC monitor or in your pocket *lol* The story of how it became is rather interesting in itself and makes one go: why didn’t I think of that! You’re even able to order as party favors for a wedding or corporate event (minimum 300) with a custom fortune. If you want a fortune that has meaning to you or between a loved one you can use the blank fortune that is downloadable (as their jewelry comes with various ones just go through and find what you like) and each item comes with a fortune set and art card description and a reusable chic tin to keep it in. FortuneKeeper is proudly made in Brooklyn, NY and a great gift any time of the year! Prices vary depending on item: https://fortunekeeper.com/
Oh my bacon *rofl* They actually make bacon bandages! That’s right. You did read it correctly! Cover those boo-boo’s with a slice of bacon or crime scene (various novelty band-aids) on the silly kid or adult in your life! What a funny stocking stuffer that will get some *squeals* of delight at my house (my kids are obsessed with band-aids *haha*)! So go on and have some fun (prices vary depending on what style you choose but the bacon bandages are $7.77 on Amazon with Prime shipping): https://amzn.to/11ZXRte
Laughter really is the best medicine. So, from now on instead of telling my kids to ‘pipe down’ I’ll just say: don’t make me do it … I will … the clown nose is coming out! An emergency clown nose will stop everyone in their tracks and is sure to produce lots of laughter in most situations. For $7.78 plus free shipping it can be yours or a stocking stuffer (or you know: ‘one.a.dem.dare’ elephant gifts) again, found on Amazon: https://amzn.to/1vQBKjm

Happy Christmas and Merry New Year, y’all!