Dwell :: Beautify Your Home this Springtime!
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I can’t help but smile when I see Sunflowers.
Spring is such a wonderful time of year don’t you think? I just love hearing and seeing all the birds chirping to each other and getting their nests ready for new life. One of the ways I like to celebrate springtime is to make the shift in my home. This is the time for starting fresh and I guess there is a reason they call it “spring cleaning!” Here are some ways we can all celebrate this season of new beginnings. Let’s get this spring party going!

Work on Forgotten Projects:
If you have pushed aside some household projects due to the holidays or bad weather – now is the time to bring some of these to the forefront. Start with one project that is at the top of your mind and go from there. Make a list of what you would like to see finished by the time summer rolls around. Be kind, be patient and be realistic. We are all busy and doing the best we can – so be gentle with yourself! But do write it down. I find if I have a checklist, the satisfaction I get from crossing things off my To-Do list is worth all the effort. We finally got around to getting our backyard cleaned up and I can’t tell you how much better I feel. Now when I looked in the backyard I don’t feel weighed down thinking about when we are going to fix it up – we finally did it! Start with a project that’s been on your mind for awhile now. You can do it!

De-Clutter Your Home:
Join us as we work on getting our homes de-cluttered so that we only have it them things we really love and use. You can start where you like in our 28-Day Series, but Day One is our front porch or yard. I started with this area because it is the first place we come to after a long day out and about. Why not have it greet you with happy flowers and plants! I do believe it sets the stage for how you feel walking into your home. Make it lovely!

Freshen Things Up:
One of the ways I love to bring in spring is by getting my home smelling nice. And let me tell you this can be a daily battle between my big ‘ol dog, furry cat, active kid and husband. I put candles in our living room and light them day and night! I like to go to Walmart and head down their air care aisle near the grocery section to pick out new scents for the week and month. Yes, we go through candles like you wouldn’t believe because it really is an inexpensive way to bring some ambience and fresh scents into to your home. I usually have one going while at my computer and at the moment the “Smells like Spring” candle is making me want to get outdoors and enjoy this spring weather.

Bring In the Outdoors:
Each week I get fresh flowers or greenery from our local supermarket, wholesale flower shop (check in your area for one – their prices are much lower) or head outdoors to pick some pretty roses from our garden. There is something about having fresh flowers around your home that helps put you at ease. And I do think it motivates one to keep things picked up and tidier. You don’t need to spend a ton of money to bring in the outdoors. Take a nature walk with the kids and bring back treasures you find on your walks. It could be a collection of seashells, pinecones, driftwood or wild flowers. Place them in a large bowl or glass container where everyone can see what treasures you collected together.

Throw a Party!
Why not celebrate spring with a party! Recently, a very talented and creative friend threw an Easter Craft Party for our Brownie Troop and I just loved all the springtime details! You could throw a neighborhood party or even a small party for just the family! The kids could do some crafts (check Pinterest for ideas) and decorate some cookies. Check back for our Spring Party Ideas post.
Hope these ideas help you as you make the shift from winter into the season of new beginnings!
Note: This post is part of the #SmellsClean campaign through Acorn – An Influence Company.