Family Is What You Make It!
The crew at a birthday celebration
Families. Today, we are seeing all types of families and they are starting to look less like The Cleavers! What we see today has evolved into a vast range of possibilities. Our family consists of in-laws, cousins, sister-in-laws, with a few adorable kids thrown in as well. And since we celebrate both Christian and Jewish holidays we can be found honoring both religions around the holidays with Passover, Easter, Christmas and Hanukah.

This makes for a pretty busy holiday season but I wouldn’t want to trade it with anything else! I just love that my daughter is gaining an understanding of our family traditions. Through the years, I have gained a new appreciation for the people in my life I call family. These include close and dear friends who are like family! Spending time together and just enjoying each other’s company is one of life’s best gifts.

Family IS what you make it!
This couldn’t be more true for my family this past year! My in-laws have shown such kindness to my mother after my father passed away when she moved out here from Colorado not knowing very many people. It has been a tough year for all of us and the kindness and humanness they have shown has made me fall in-love with them all over again! My very funny sister and brother-in-law always crack up my mom and they share an affinity for Reality TV! We have had wonderful holiday meals together where everyone feels loved and understood – and isn’t that what being a family is about?!
All Types of Families:
Grace and Frankie, Netflix‘s new funny and fearless original comedy featuring Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston, is a perfect example of how today’s families can shift, rearrange and blend in unexpected ways. When Grace and Frankie’s husbands leave them after 20 years of marriage—to be with each other—the women find themselves facing a change that they never expected, but they shift their perspective to get through it together with the support of their new blended family and, of course, a sense of humor. I just love Jane and Lily and have enjoyed watching them through the years! The opening scene in Grace and Frankie is pretty hysterical and you can’t help but laugh at the situation Jane and Lily’s characters find themselves in.

Today’s Modern Family:
What is it about your modern family that you wouldn’t trade for anything in the world? Explore the things that make other families unique by watching one of the Netflix titles in the list below — whether it’s the Gilmore Girls’ dynamic mother-daughter duo or puppet brother in Crash & Bernstein. Then, ask your kids what it is that makes your family special. After all, family is what you make it.
For the little ones:
I just love the animation style for Lily’s Driftwood Bay! This looks so cute! What is your child’s favorite show at the moment?
1. Lily’s Driftwood Bay
2. The Tigger Movie
3. Guess How Much I Love You: S1E5 Big Like You
4. Angelina Ballerina: Superstar Sisters
For your big kids:
My daughter just loves Crash & Bernstein and is always laughing along with the funny situations they find themselves in.
1. Crash & Bernstein
2. Life with Boys
3. Spy Kids
4. Russell Madness
For teens and adults:
Is your family a fan of the Gilmore Girls? This is on my To-See list!
1. Raising Hope
2. The Fosters
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Life Unexpected
New on Netflix for Kids and Family:
We love King Julien! What shows does your family like to watch together?
1. All Hail King Julien (new episodes 4/3)
2. Littlest Pet Shop: Season 3 (4/21)
3. Lalaloopsy: Festival of Sugary Sweets (5/2)
4. Puss in Boots (new episodes 5/8)
5. H20 Mermaid Adventures (5/22)
6. Richie Rich: Season 2 (5/22)
7. Mako Mermaids: Season 3 (5/29)
Family Tree Crafts:
A Family Wreath:
Love this idea and is a great way to showcase family photo’s! A tutorial can be found on dollar store crafts
Wall Art:
The Red Headed Hostess has the cutest way to display your family tree as art! Go here to learn how to make your own!
What makes your family unique that you wouldn’t trade for the world?
We are part of the Netflix Stream and provided promotional material throughout the year but all opinions are our own.