Recipes :: Start Your Day Right!
About two years ago we came across The Magic Bullet (no, this is not a sponsored post – just want to share what works for us) and have been using it pretty much everyday. Whether we grind our coffee beans in it (comes with a couple blenders) or use it to make our healthy morning drinks – we love the thing! I was really impressed with the research behind why this blender is such a good investment – for your health! By blending/juicing you are able to eat a lot more of the recommended vegetables and fruit. You can read more about the benefits of drinking your vegetables and fruits here. Research what might work best for your family and see about adding more vegetables and fruit to your diet. You’ll feel better and your body will thank you for it!
This is a super easy recipe:
Handful of fresh spinach
banana – small
3/4 cup frozen berries like strawberries. boysenberries, blueberries. I like to get the frozen berry mix package.
big tablespoon coconut oil
teaspoon raw honey
1/2 cup of water (if you prefer it more liquid add more in)
Blend it all together and add in more water if you prefer. The raw honey has so many wonderful antioxidants for you and the coconut oil helps speed up your metabolism and burns fat! I recently was given this popsicle maker from the nice folks at Whole Foods in Austin and I added some of the smoothie to make a healthy popsicle for my daughter. This is a fun way to get the kids to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Enjoy your summer!