Health :: Tracking Your Success
Dandelion Moms has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #RewardHealthyChoices #CollectiveBias
Take time out for yourself and enjoy the things that bring you joy.
The first wealth is health.
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Taking care of our health is so important and concerns all aspects of our lives. I know as moms we tend to put aside our needs but I am here to say that can be a unfortunate avenue to take – and this comes from my own experiences. Years back, I was talking with a friend and we started talking about one of my favorite quotes “Nothing is more important than your health.” We had a long discussion about how we tend to take for granted the one thing in our life that when gone – affects all areas in life. It hinders us from fully enjoying ourselves. And if you have had any life-changing illnesses or ailments, you know exactly what I am talking about.
This past year has been filled with lots of responsibilities and I too, took my health for granted. Since my neck injury back in January and having to take those awful steroids I have slowly, but surely, gone up a couple dress sizes. If you have had weight gain for whatever reasons, you know how awful you feel. But it is important I believe to be kind to yourself. Take the necessary steps to get to a healthy weight that you are most comfortable with and do those things to bring balance into your life. Beating yourself up for not taking care of yourself only adds to an already stressful situation. Instead take this time to think about what your health goals are and work towards them!
Recently I learned about Walgreens’ new app called Balance Rewards for healthy choices™.
They recently launched this app in order to help their 80+ million loyalty cardholders modify behavioral risk factors that are associated with the most urgent public health issues. What I really like about this tracking system is that it helps you achieve your goals – while rewarding you with Balance Rewards when purchasing healthy choices. It can help you manage your weight, encourage you to exercise more, quit smoking and boost your overall health. So while you are working towards your health goals – you will be rewarded and earn points for completing these activities!
I tend to be the type of person who does better with regular exercise and a set schedule. What about you? Do you find that if you write it down that you are more inclined to work towards those goals? You can get points today for your healthy activities. Learn more at Walgreens.com/healthychoices

Now that my daughter is back in school, I have taken the time to re-evaluate my personal health and life goals. I have made it a priority to walk my dog every morning. Even when I have deadlines or other “things” I could be doing, I get my workout gear on and head out the door. I know that I will feel better after our long walk and will be able to focus better on the tasks at-hand. What do you find is the best form of exercise for you? Do you enjoy weight-lifting? Or taking walks with friends and family? Make your health a priority because really, a happy (and healthy) mom is a good thing – for everyone in the family.
I stopped by our local Walgreens to pick up some First Aid supplies because 1) I needed to refill our First Aid Kit and 2) Walgreen’s provides points and rewards for purchasing certain products. I picked up some Band-Aids, Neosporin and some Motrin to keep in our car in case of emergencies. There has been more than one occasion when we have been out and about and needed some Band Aids or antibiotic ointment. By now you probably know how I LOVE deals and steals! Well, I saved $6.00 off my bill today at Walgreens because they had a special – buy one box of Flexible Fabric Band-Aids and get the other one free. Awesome. And on one of the boxes it had a $1.00 off coupon if I buy some Neosporin. More awesomeness.

It is really easy to use the Balance Rewards for healthy choices™ app. You just fill out what your purchased and you start earning points towards rewards. For example, earn 2,000 Walgreens Balance Rewards points ($2 reward) when you buy any two Johnson & Johnson Healthy Essentials participating products from 7/26/15-8/29/15. They make it really easy to earn points and rewards and if you are like me, I love getting deals. Plus the app, makes it easy for us moms to stay on track with our health goals.

Now that I have been walking regularly and will attempt to finish the Disney Run 10K next month (wish me luck!) I am making it a priority to maintain and regain my health. What are some health goals you would like to move towards? What are some things you can start today that will achieve these goals?
Be sure to check out more ways to live a healthy and active life using Walgreens’ Balance Rewards for healthy choices™ app. I’d love to hear about your health and fitness lifestyle!

One Comment
It looks like you are on your way back to a healthy lifestyle. I always keep band-aids and neosporin on hand for all those little bumps and injuries. [client]