Interview with the Stars of Tomorrowland Raffey Cassidy and Thomas Robinson
Photo courtesy of Cori Schames Nadler
Last week I had a chance to sit down and speak with the stars of Tomorrowland Raffey Cassidy (Athena) and Thomas Robinson (Young Frank) at the Disney Tomorrowland Media Event. An English child actor, Raffey is known for her roles in Snow White and the Huntsman, Mr. Selfridge, and Tomorrowland. Raffey Cassidy is from Worsley, near Manchester in England. Young Frank, played by Thomas Robinson, is an American actor who can also be seen in The Switch.
It was a roundtable interview and they had about five tables filled with bloggers to talk to. Our group was the last in line and you would think they would be a tad tired from all the questions but not at all – these two young actors are pros! They both showed so much maturity for eight graders! I was completely impressed.
Here are some fun tidbits they shared with us.
About Raffey Cassidy (Athena)
When asked who she would give a Tomorrowland pin to she said would give one to Mike Kawasaki (from Monsters, Inc.).
She would love to get into special effects when she is older. She said she loves all of that scary stuff and isn’t afraid of those types of shows – in fact she dreams of being one of the special effects make-up artists.
When asked what advice she would give to other young actors she stated very firmly to “Never Give Up!” And to keep trying and have fun with it.
She said that George Clooney was a lot of fun on set and was very down-to-earth.
Her siblings act as well and she is originally from England though she said she wouldn’t mind living in the states. She has the nicest accent I must say!
About Thomas Robinson (Young Frank)
He said he would give a Tomorrowland pin to his friend Sam, who is also an actor.
When asked what he’d like to do when he is older he said he’d like to be a chef and his favorite recipe is Lemon Bars. I wanted to shout out that that was my husband’s favorite as well and could I please have his recipe – but I refrained.
Young Frank Walker, played by Thomas Robinson
Ph: Film Frame
©Disney 2015
He said his favorite invention was the Jet Pack and had a blast flying around in it on set. It took quite some time to get suited up and was quite heavy at almost 40 pounds. But he had so much fun doing the scenes he didn’t mind.
When asked what advice he would give to aspiring actors he said to not let the audition process and rejections dissuade you. Keep trying!
What a treat to speak to these two talented young actors. Be sure to check out Tomorrowland out on Blu-ray, Digital HD and Disney Movies Anywhere DVD October 13th.
Note: We were provided with an all-expense paid trip to Disneyland but all opinions are our own.
0Who would you give a Tomorrowland pin to?