The Good Dino “Recyclosaurus” Contest Encourages Recycling
The folks over at Disney Pixar have come up with a really fun way to teach kids the importance of recycling by building a Good Dino otherwise known as Recyclosaurus! Check out the video to see how you can get your Girl or Boy Scout troop, swim or soccer team or group of kids in your neighborhood involved for a chance to win some prizes. We are planning on inviting kids from my daughter’s grade at school to join in on the fun. You can follow the instructions listed below or let your imagination run wild and make it as weird and big as you would like!
Details below. Be sure to submit your creations via social media and tag dandelion moms on Twitter (@dandelionmoms) so I can find you! It is important to use these hashtags when you post: #GoodDino #Recyclo
See how much fun Pixar had taking the Recyclosaurus challenge in this exclusive bonus clip .
And now it’s your chance to make your own Recyclosaurus. Here are some ideas on how to get started but don’t be afraid to make your mark and let your imagination come to life!

– 2 Runner Up Winners will receive a Blu-ray copy of The Good Dinosaur.