Go Green this Easter :: Basket and Craft Ideas!
Easter is here! I have such fond memories of hunting for Easter eggs as a kid that each year I try to make it special for my daughter. We usually host the neighborhood Easter egg hunt and love seeing the kids excited about finding little treasures. For the older kids I put money in the eggs and ask them not to pick up the eggs that are “hidden” in plain site. These guys are for the little ones! This year we have some green ideas to incorporate this year for Easter. From using recycled and shredded colored craft paper to fill your baskets to making your own confetti eggs – we have some easy ways to go green this Easter! Have fun dandelions!
Tips for Going Green this Easter:
Recycle a Basket:
There are lots of ways to Go Green this Easter! Start off by using a basket you already have around the house or received as a gift and fill to your hearts content. I received this basket from Gifts.com and think it is the perfect basket to send to a friend, family or a colleague. It was filled with my favorite snacks; fruit, smoked salmon, crackers, tasty cheese(s) and salami. I emptied out the basket (most of which went into my belly) and filled it with more paper grass. Try to use paper this year as I’ve read that the plastic green grass we pick up at the grocery stores is bad for the wildlife if they eat it. Better yet, use colored craft paper you already have and just shred it in your shredder.
Make Your Own Confetti Eggs!
I’ve been meaning to make these myself but you can also find them at the grocery store. They are colored, (empty) eggshells filled with confetti that the kids can play games with like toss the egg or even “crack” on each others heads. I’ve had these the past few years at our Neighborhood Easter Party and they are a hit every time! To make your own confetti eggs – just empty out a dozen (or so) eggs and let dry. Color them like you would normally (be sure to add some vinegar to get the bright colors) and add some colored tissue paper – but be sure to add in some confetti first, then glue on the tissue paper. They are ready to be enjoyed!
DIY Egg Container:
This is about as easy of a recyclable project as they come but so cute! Just paint your egg carton your favorite color, wait to dry, then glue on some pretty paper. I like this polka dot paper which you can find at your local craft store or use some recyclable colored craft paper!
Egg Hunt Banners:
I found this at our local Marshalls but think it would be easy to duplicate. Google some cute Easter Bunny and Chick images, print out and attach to the end of a thick stick. Place in your Easter Basket (shhh) so the kids have a clue where to start looking for the eggs. I plan to place them around our yard on Easter morning. Go green and use sticks you find on your next nature walk and recycled paper.
Add some fruit to that basket:
These delicious pears came with the A Spread To Share basket I received. I think it would be great to add some fruit to your Easter Basket don’t you? I know the kids eat a lot treats around Easter, but it might be nice to try to balance out some of that sugar with some tasty fruit. Add it as part of the basket so your family can pick and choose what they like.
More Easter Craft and Recipes can be found here:
Note: We received a gift basket from Gifts.com but all opinions are our own. If you aren’t sure what to give a friend, family member or colleague check out Gifts.com for their awesome selection of Easter Gift Baskets!
Are your kids excited about Easter?