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Interview with Ania Sowinski of Eddie the Eagle


Inspired by true events, Eddie the Eagle is a feel-good story about Michael “Eddie” Edwards (Taron Egerton), an unlikely but courageous British ski-jumper who never stopped believing in himself – even as an entire nation was counting him out. With the help of a rebellious and charismatic coach (played by Hugh Jackman), Eddie takes on the establishment and wins the hearts of sports fans around the world by making an improbable and historic showing at the 1988 Calgary Winter Olympics. From producers of Kingsman: The Secret Service, Eddie the Eagle stars Taron Egerton as Eddie, the loveable underdog with a never say die attitude.



Directed By: Dexter Fletcher

Screenplay By: Sean Macaulay and Simon Kelton

Produced By: Matthew Vaughn, Adam Bohling, David Reid, Rupert Maconick, Valerie Van Galder

Story By: Simon Kelton

Starring: Taron Egerton, Christopher Walken, Hugh Jackman




I had a chance to speak with Ania Sowinski with some other mom bloggers last week.  Ania played Eddie’s publicist in Eddie the Eagle and we had a chance to speak to her about her role, whether she had a chance to meet the real Eddie and what types of dreams she have as a kid.


One of the bloggers asked her: “Eddie the Eagle was about a boy that had a dream, and he lives that dream.  What was your dream when you were growing up?  Was it to be an actress?”

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  For me, I was a child actress, and I was really quite successful at a very young age.  So, it didn’t feel so much a dream.  In fact, it still is a dream.

I don’t think you ever stop dreaming.  There’s always the next level to go to.  So, I always wanted to be on the stage.  Film is what I love.  I have crazy dreams like I want to be in films.  I love film scores.  So, I want to be in films that have Ennio Morricone, while he’s still alive, scores underneath and that are big and grand and epic.

I don’t think I ever stop dreaming.  That’s what I do.  I’m a big dreamer in all parts of life.  At one point I wanted to be a rocket scientist.  At one point I wanted to be a marine biologist because I swam with dolphins.  And that was it.  That was a dream.  So, I’m a big dreamer, and I still am.




Another mom asked Ania “So, my question is about your role.  What appealed to you for this particular role?  And did you have to do any research on the publicist, or watch the clips of the interviews to know how the scene went or anything like this?”

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  I think what really I loved about when I read this, number one, I don’t think any of us could believe they were making a film about Eddie the Eagle.  Number two, the ’80s for me–again, I was a child of the ’80s, so it was so exciting to be like–be able to dress in that way, have your–I mean, the makeup tests we did on the hair were just fantastic.  I had such fun on this job I cannot tell you.

The other thing that was a massive pull for me was our director, Dexter Fletcher.  I’ve never been on a set that is so joyful.  Hugh is one of the most joyful people to work with as well.  It was just fun every single day.  Even my audition for it was fun.  Everything about it was fun from the start, the costumes, the people, the vibe.

It was an utter pleasure, absolute pleasure to do, and exciting to be part of such a great British story.  You know, everybody loves the underdog story and to lift us up.  So, it was just exciting from the start.  There was no chance of not going to meet for it.  It was brilliant.

My question to Ania had to do with a funny day or event that happened on-set. I always love to hear these back stories don’t you?!  Here is our conversation:

Me:  We had a chance to meet Dexter during the media set.  And he is just the sweetest.

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  Isn’t he the best?

Me:  Oh, my gosh.

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  Yes.

Blogger:  We all fell in love with him and wanted to take him home.

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  Yes.

Me:  He is just so, so sweet.

But, do you have a funny story you could share with us?  It seems like the whole–getting all those guys together would be a lot of fun.  Do you have a funny story–?

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  –Oh, my goodness–.

Me:  –From a day on the set?

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  Okay.  So, I do have a funny story.  I’ve been told I’m allowed to talk about it.  So, it was always funny.  Every day was funny.  I mean, the boys are just–I’ve never–like I said before, I’ve never experienced sort of anything like it with them.

But, we had two days at Heathrow Airport, obviously the final sort of scenes and where Eddie’s coming back from Calgary.  And Hugh and I–Dexter said to me–because obviously Hugh plays, you know, this sort of gorgeous ex-ski jumper, very successful.  And he’s gorgeous.  And he–.

Me:  –Yes.  Yes.

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  So, through this movie, no one gets the girl.  It’s not a movie about that.

So, Dexter sort of came up with this idea in Heathrow.  He sort of said, “Hugh, Ania, can you come over here?”  We’re were like, “Yes.”  So, we went over.  He went like, “Could you two sort of flirt with each other during this scene?”  And I’m like, “Yes!  Sure!  That’s no problem for me at all.”  So, what happened was we ended up flirting in this–when he’s coming out.  But, then it didn’t sort of make sense to the script because it wasn’t scripted.

So, the next day we’re at Heathrow around the carousel where you pick up the luggage.  And unfortunately, this scene that is scripted, it didn’t make the movie.  But, in this scene, Dexter like comes over to me and Hugh again.  “Okay, so I need you to keep up the flirting.”  Hugh, while Taron’s talking to whoever it is that he was talking to, I need you and Ania to sort of be flirting.  Ania, I want him to give you a business card.

So, this all happened.  It’s all on camera, and we’re hoping it makes DVD extras.  But, we’re doing this, and we do it four times.  And the fifth take, Hugh goes to walk away, and he came back and kissed me.  And in this take, I pull back.  All I can hear is Dexter, all our producers, Adam [Bohling], David [Reid], they’re all behind the monitor absolutely in hysterics.

And at this point, I have no idea where it’s going.  All I know is Wolverine is kissing me.

What’s going on here?  And of course, so we did this once.  I’m trying desperately not to laugh, because they just keep the cameras rolling.

And it has to probably have been the funniest moment I’ve ever had on set.  They all found it hilarious.  Hugh walks off, is high-fiving everyone, while I’m still filming.  And of course because this happened once, it then had to happen again and again and again and again.

Dexter came up to me afterwards, he was crying.  He just said, “I cannot believe you pulled away.  When Hugh Jackman kisses you on screen, you kiss him back.”  So–.

Me:  –That’s so funny–.

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  –We got a couple of takes after that of me absolutely jumping on him, basically.  I was like, “Right.  Fine.  I can kiss Hugh Jackman back.  That’s absolutely fine.”

And I mean, they’ve put it forward to be on the DVD extras.  I’m not sure whether it’ll make it yet.  But, it was brilliant.  And actually, I spoke to the boys the other day when they were on their press tour.  And Hugh was like, “I’m writing the Hugh and Carrie spinoff.  Where are we starting?”  So, obviously–.

Me:  –You’re like, “Sure, sounds good.”

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  Yes, it was monumental.  Every day was a joy.  Regardless of that–.

Me:  –Oh, gosh–.

Ms. Ania Sowinski:  –I’ve never laughed so much in a set in my life.  I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

Me:  Oh, that’s great.  Thank you.


Eddie the Eagle is getting great reviews lovely dandelion moms!  Be sure to check out this fun family-friendly movie soon!


DF-02587 - Bronson (Hugh Jackman) puts things in perspective for aspiring ski jumper Eddie (Taron Egerton).
DF-02587 – Bronson (Hugh Jackman) puts things in perspective for aspiring ski jumper Eddie (Taron Egerton).


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Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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