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Fun Ways to Look Fresh This Season!

Fun Ways to Look Fresh This Season

There is nothing better than walking out the door of your home with a sense of confidence and I find if I am wearing something comfortable but cute helps me feel like I can tackle the day! But some days looking your best is not always easy – maybe you have things going on in your life and you don’t have the energy to put into what you are wearing but at the end of the day, I find that if I put a little more effort it helps me with my mood! Are you like that too? Many people assume that looking good has to do with going above and beyond with a look. While there is some truth to this, there is also nothing wrong with using a few key items for your outfit.


A dress from might make for the perfect piece to build your look around. When you start with something simple and stylish, it is easy to craft an appearance that makes you feel excited. Take a moment to look at some of these fun and simple ways to look fresh this season and you will be ready to face whatever comes your way with a smile.

Basic Beginnings

There are many different ways for you to begin the process of looking your best. Instead of focusing solely on your outfit, you may find that it is a bit easier to start by looking at something a bit more basic. Your makeup helps to define your look, which means you want to pay a bit of attention to this area when crafting the right appearance for the day. You don’t have to go above and beyond for this goal, either. Some people don’t wear makeup at all and there is nothing wrong with that but I find for myself the basics – spf foundation and mascara helps me feel better.


For those who enjoy a bit of color on the face, try and find a look that matches the season. Warmer and brighter tones are perfect for spring and summer. You also might want to consult with an expert on this topic. You are going to have very specific colors that work with the tone of your skin. Speaking with a professional at a makeup counter can give you a bit of insight as to which shades will help to accentuate your features and which you should avoid altogether. Starting here can help to build your confidence.

Next Steps

No matter what type of look you are trying to achieve, there are a few areas that you’ll need to pay extra attention to. When you begin with a basic dress as a foundation, you will be able to add different accessories to the look. Each accessory that you select will transform your outfit into something a bit more exciting and specific. This means that you will want to think long and hard about which accessories are going to work the best for the look that you are attempting to pull together.


Jewelry is always a classic option for an accessory. With jewelry, most people have a preference as to what they enjoy wearing. Find the accessory that compliments both the natural colors of your skin and hair while also helping to tie together the entire outfit that you have on. Jewelry in gold and silver can be an amazing place to begin because these metals have a way of going with almost any outfit and can be found in an array of different styles. Learn what works for you and you’ll discover the perfect combination.

Don’t Stress

One of the biggest bits of advice that you can receive about your appearance is not to stress it. The more that you worry about how you appear to others, the easier it will be to feel a sense of sadness within yourself. You should be making yourself look as amazing as possible for no one other than you. While it can be great to show off a new outfit and walk around with confidence, when you are trying to please yourself it can yield much more fulfilling results.



The next time that you are trying to discover the perfect outfit for a day at work or a night on the town, you need to remember a few key points. Begin with your makeup and you will have an easy time finding a color combination that works for your skin. Star building in accessories and remember to keep your cool through it all and you’ll easily find a look that pleases you this season and for many seasons to come.



Note: We were provided with compensation for this post but all opinions are our own.


Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.