5 Easy Recipes for Memorial Day
Memorial Day weekend is a great time to reflect on those who have helped keep our country safe. I’ve always had so much respect for those who wear a uniform. And it is a great time to get together with friends and family. What are your plans this holiday weekend? Does your community host a Memorial Day parade? It love seeing the older soldiers wearing their uniforms walking in the parade and getting the respect they deserve!
If you are looking for some easy recipes to help celebrate Memorial Day look no further than this easy shortbread, ice cream and whip cream dessert. It took me less than 5 minutes to put together and the kids loved it!
You will need:
Shortbread – homemade or store bought (depending on how much time you’ve got on your hand).
Vanilla Ice Cream of choice
Whipped cream of choice
Red, white and blue napkins, plates and straws for your lemonade!
Place one shortcake on a plate
Rinse and slice some strawberries
Place a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream on top of the shortcake, then the strawberries
Top with some whipped cream, and sprinkles.
That is about as easy as it comes! Hardly a recipe-recipe but the presentation goes a long way with the kids.
Here are some other fun and simple recipes to try out this weekend.
Recipe found on Princess Pinky Girl.
This recipe and more delicious recipe ideas can be found on My Blessed Life.
Recipe found on I Heart Nap Time.
Recipe found on Skinny Taste.
If you are looking for some easy crafts to keep the kids busy be sure to check out our blog post here.