HEALTH: The Many Benefits of Celery Juice
A few weeks back I ran into a friend at Marshall’s (my favorite place!), and we started talking about our health and the benefits of juicing. She, like myself, is always looking to stay afloat in regards to her health and asked me if I had tried celery juicing. I had picked up Dr. Anthony Williams Liver Rescue book a few months ago but hadn’t had the chance to read it read though I remembered he recommended celery juicing so my interest was peaked! My friend went on about how it changed her life, she was no longer getting the migraines she use to get a couple times a month nor the stomach issues. She sold me that day so I went out immediately and grabbed a fresh 16 oz of celery juice from Whole Foods and haven’t stopped since!
These past 9 months I wasn’t feeling my best. I wasn’t sure if it was related to the hormone-replacement drugs my doctor put me on (more on that in another post), or just an overall feeling of malaise. Dr. Anthony William, is the #1 New York Times Best-Selling Author of Life-Changing Foods and Thyroid Healing. As I mentioned I picked Liver Rescue at the bookstore because I had a feeling that my malaise might be connected to my liver health. He writes that healing our liver will help answer health issues regarding to eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, strep, acne, gout, bloating, gallstones, adrenal stress, fatigue, fatty liver, weight issues, sibo and authoimmune disease.
Starting out with 8 oz of fresh celery juice first thing in the morning and gradually up to 16 oz a day I have noticed a difference in my gut health. It is hard to miss all the articles that talk about how important our gut health is to our overall health. And guess what? Our gut health is connected to how well the liver is doing it’s job, which in turn depends on how healthy it is. Amazing how it is all intertwined. That is why I have been such a fan of Functional and Chinese Medicine – they tend to look at the whole body when diagnosing an ailment.
One of the best things we can do for our liver is detoxifying it with juicing. He was the first doctor to push the benefits celery juicing and offers a step-by-step guide on how to do it safely, along with healthy recipes. I recommend his book if you are interested in feeling better or have any of the issues he says will be helped by healing your liver. He writes that your liver is the best friend you’ve ever had. And I do think after you read the section about what our liver actually does, you might agree! Even though I have my masters in nutrition and have studied health for many years, I was surprised to learn that our liver performs over 2,000 critical functions that he says are undiscovered by medical research and science. But read it for yourself and let me know your thoughts!

Besides the 16 oz of celery juice I drink in the morning, I find this mixture a good pick-me up around 3 o’clock. It will satisfy you til dinner and give you the energy to get through the rest of your work day.
2-3 large carrots
3-4 celery stalks
1-2 small red apples
Couple leaves of either fresh kale or a handful of spinach.

Thank you to Melissa’s Produce for sending this delicious box of vegetables and fruit! Their celery and spinach is truly the best I have ever tasted! They have a special going on for Southern California customers. Free shipping on their organic boxes. You can see what they are offering here.
And if you are looking for a good juicer, this one has a lot of great reviews. The Breville BJE200XL Compact Juice Fountain 700-Watt Juice Extractor is the one we purchased and it is easy to clean and is moderately priced.
Happy Juicing friends! Let me know how you are feeling after a few weeks.
If you are in poor health or concerned about trying a detox, please talk with your physician.
Note: We were provided with produce from Melissa’s Produce but all opinions are our own. This post has Amazon affiliate links.