Dorktales Storytime Podcast Now Live!
One of my favorite aspects of writing children’s stories is meeting other authors and app developers. I met Jodi Murphy of Geek Club Books years ago and she introduced me to her talented son, Jonathan. Jonathan is a SAG-AFTRA voice-over professional under the name of “Jonathan Cormur” and achieving this goal has been his dream. He is represented by JE Talent, an agency in San Francisco that only represents union talent. Like all creative professionals, agency representation isn’t enough for a sustainable career and one must continually network, build a portfolio of work, and engage in social media to connect with audiences and build a community of fans. I love how inventive Jonathan and Jodi are in finding ways to tell their stories and get their message of acceptance out into the community.
About 7 years ago, their team conceived of and created a few audio stories called, Dorktales, which they made into a CD purchased by libraries around the country. Dorktales also became a part of Tales2Go, an audio subscription for schools and Jonathan has performed them live for kids at San Francisco Bay Area libraries.
They wanted to expand their story offerings and make them more accessible, so they decided to create a scripted podcast, “The Dorktales Storytime Podcast,” featuring original retelling of classic fairy tales and true tales about the hidden heroes of history. Released this month, the first 3 episodes with new episodes releasing every two weeks after that.

Check out the new episode this Thursday 9/3. The first of The Hidden Heroes of History episodes. If you go to this link, you can see the entire creative team involved in the podcast, find all the ways you can listen as well as more information about episodes that have been released: https://jonincharacter.com/dorktales/

- Follow Jonathan’s new Instagram @jonincharacter (and/or Facebook page @jonincharacter – https://www.facebook.com/jonincharacter
- Sign up for the podcast mailing list to be notified when the first episodes are released: https://bit.ly/dorktales-signup