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Day Six :: Get Your Home Decluttered in 28 Days


 Image courtesy of Pinterest.

DAY SIX :: Gathering Items We Will Need to Start De-cluttering!

Today let’s gather some things we will need so we can start on decluttering toys, books, unfinished projects, etc., that are probably providing some stress in your life – and who needs that?! I realized that I had done this already in my living room and probably had brought over 10 bags to our local Salvation Army.  Many of you are at the beginning stages so let’s step back a bit and I’ll share what we did in the rooms we cleared out.  We still have three main rooms to tackle so I feel your pain! I know when I come home to a messy house all I can think is Ugh!  But when it is picked up and clear of the clutter I do find I feel more relaxed.  Let’s give our homes some TLC this month and get out the things we no longer need – and maybe make a little money on the side with a garage sale and resale boutiques.  So here’s what we need:


Gather Some Boxes:

We will be separating the boxes into:  Donation, Sale and Trash and using a laundry basket for things we plan to Keep (but need to be placed somewhere else).  And if you want to add another box labeled Give Away that you plan to give to a friend or family who might have use for this item – that is great!  While you are out and about go in to a grocery store and ask if they have any empty boxes.  Also try your local Mailbox Etc., as they usually will have empty boxes that customers leave behind when mailing items.  But you need to go in the morning time before they are picked up by the recycling truck.



Image courtesy of Home Talk

Get Some Large Trash Bags:

We will also provide a list of organizations that you can donate to and what they are looking for.  Just make sure you have some durable trash bags (I like to use the black ones you use in the yard) so the bags don’t break. You could also check out what local non-profits, animal shelters, orphanages, women and children’s shelters are in your area and see what their needs are.  They just might need some of the things you are planning on giving away!


Filing Box and Folders:

This will be for our paperwork.  Maybe you already have a system in place – you can just use that cabinet or box.  But if not, check out Office Depot for a filing system – they have inexpensive boxes that would work just fine.


That’s it for today!  Maybe sweep your newly freshened up porch and give your kitchen a good wipe down.  I find shining my sink each night before I go to bed puts a smile on my face in the morning. Yep, it is the little things!



 Image courtesy of Urban.ext

The Clutter Clearing Mantra:


And here are some great tips when deciding to keep something or give it away.  I am notorious for having a hard time giving or throwing things away so I had a friend help me when de-cluttering my daughter’s room months ago.  She is  a born organizer and kept telling me how much better I would feel getting all this stuff out of my house.  She was absolutely right, but it can be a painful process for some – and I would recommend asking a friend to help you with some of the harder jobs like de-cluttering your children’s rooms.  We will put aside a box for Mementos (I have a pair of pink Ugg boots that my daughter wore at 4 month that I won’t part with) so know that there will be that option to put things aside you really treasure.




You Can Do It!

These flowers are for you!  Add some to your home to give yourself some motivation to get the home you want!  Put them next to your bedside table or in the kitchen.

Have fun this weekend and start visualizing what you want to see be the end result in your home – a clutter and stress-free place to enjoy each other! And stay posted – we are looking to get some companies to donate gift cards for a our Home Challenge so you can get some new things for your home!  Giveaway coming up soon!



Melissa Northway, M.S. is a mom, founder of dandelion moms, and a children’s book author. Her award-winning book Penelope the Purple Pirate was inspired by her little tomboy. Penelope is a modern-day Pippi Longstocking who teaches girls and boys the importance of having fun while at the same time teaching them to be kind and respectful of others and their differences. Dandelion moms was created for moms to share their stories and to inspire and be inspired! You can reach Melissa at: and follow her @melissanorthway and @dandelionmoms. Check out her author web site at:, as she hands out loads of goodies from the treasure chest.

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